Chapter 4

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Louis' POV

I try to catch my breath, I then heard a BOOM sound at the front of the ship and my heart skipped a beat. I turn to see Y/N who was now very pale, Crap!  I forgot that she had a phobia.


"If I find you Y/N, you're gonna buy me ice cream. " I say trying to find my bestest friend in the entire universe. She was turning 7 years old tomorrow! Finally , we are finally gonna be the same age!.

"Goodluck with that Tommo!. " she screams from the back of this huge box. Did I mention that we we're at their old house? Yeah they we're very rich, so they wanted to sell their old house because they we're gonna move to this super big house next to my house.

"FOUND YA!!!. "I screamed then she laughs.

"Okay fine let's go.. " she says. We we're about to leave when the front door suddenly opened, so I pulled her into this very big curtain.

"Don't talk okay? Let's keep as quiet as we can. " I whisper to her.

"Okay. ". She whispered back.

"So how much is this house again? " I hear a guy with a deep voice ask.

"Sir it's only 9.5 million dollars. " One other guys says.

"That's our real estate agent. " she whispers to me, I nod in response.

"Enough chitchat!  Tell the owners I bought this house okay? Or else you will never see your family again. " the man with the deep voice says. I take a peek and saw one man holding a gun and another man begging, I'm guessing the man begging is the real estate agent. I turn to look back at Y/N and she was shaking and crying silently with fear.

"Don't worry okay? Just stay here quietly. I'll try my best to call the police outside , where's another exit besides from the front door? " I ask her.

"Don't leave me Louis. ", She says with tears flowing down her eyes again.

"Stop crying, I'll be fast, I promise. " I say kissing her forehead.

"Well theres another exit door at the kitchen. " she says then I crawled on my way to the kitchen.

~A few minutes Later~

I was now outside Y/N old house with the police, they were sneaking into the house.

"You stay here, okay kid? " a police officer says to me,  I nodded .

I suddenly heard 3 gunshots coming from inside of the house and I immediately thought of Y/N. I run to the back of the house and entered it trying to not make a sound, from the kitchen I sneak to the huge curtain.

"Hey, I'm here. " I whisper whilst hugging Y/N who was now hugging her own knees crying so much.

"Louis I saw everything. " she says shakily. We then hear the police enter the house and I don't really remember what happened next.

*End of flashback*


"Niall! What took you so long to answer! What happened? Did you hear the explosion?. " I ask Niall.

"Where are you Y/N?  Are you with Louis? " Niall whispers.

"Yeah,we're just at the back balcony why are you whis-"

"Just stay there okay?!  There's a killer here! We're underneath a table right now trying to hide, just stay where you are okay? Try to hide okay?" he whispers.

"What?! Niall? Hello Niall?!NIALL!? " I screamed. I turn to look at Louis and he was staring at me with a blank expression.

"We have to find a place to hide. " I say panicking.

"Why? " he asks a bit worried.

"Niall said theres a man with a gun on the ship and they're hiding under the table. " I say to him.

"Is Eleanor okay?!  Did she say anything? " he asks nervously.

"I don't -" Then one side of the ship suddenly blew up and parts of the ship statted flying around and the ship was cut in half.

I quickly grab Y/N by the waist and took a hold of one pole that was close to us, she was shaking and so was I.

"Louis, you could let go of me. " she screams.

"Why should I? " I scream back.

One half of the ship was now underwater while the part we were on was half underwater and the other was almost going down, it had a kind of this Titanic vibe. My hand was getting weaker and weaker but I just forced myself to get a grip of Y/N and hold the pole tightly.

"Louis,save yourself, let go of me now. " she says.

"Are you serious Y/N?The water is like 0 degress." I say.My grip on the pole was super tight.

"Louis we are both going to sink with the ship anyway! " she says

"Y/N I love you so very much!and I haven't been telling you things because it was hard for me to tell you because it was you that I wanted and not Eleanor! And yes, Im jealous of you and Harry dating. " I blurted out, my grip loosening.

"Uhh,  Louis I love you too."she says to me then I suddenly lose my grip on the pole and we were both met with the darkness and coldness of the ocean.

???'s POV

"One famous cruise ship has sunk last night, police are guessing that a criminal was on board.He planted a bomb in the buffet room and he make sure all passengers were at that said room then he activated the bomb.The identity of the suspect is still unknown and also they already found some dead bodies floating with debris of the shape. The rescue team are now trying to see if there are still any "alive" passengers ." I switched the channel again, why are all the channels about that cruise ship.

*A few hours later.. *

"Police now have a clue on who the criminals are." I immediately turn off the tv and dialed ??? number.

"Hello? " he answers

"Boss someone got a lead on who the criminals are. You think they know it's us?"

Hey guyyzzz,  sorry i havent updated for a while...  Thanks for readingggg

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