Chapter 9

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Harry's Pov

"Harry, Niall and I will go home first okay? We'll get you some food tomorrow at breakfast." Liam says to me. I sigh deeply, I'm exhausted, tired and stressed.

"What time is it?" I ask rubbing my temples.

"12:30am" Niall replies

"You need anything?" Liam asks.

"No I'm good." I say laying down on the couch near Y/n's hospital bed.

"Just call us when you need anything."

I nod in response then closed my eyes. Ever since we found Y/n one month ago , I swore to myself that I'll always take care of her.


I woke up immediately because of the gunshots I heard outside, I try to stand but then my head hurt then I felt a little dizzy. How did I get back here? All I remember was that I was at the bar then I kind of blacked out there I think. I drank the pain killers and I feel a little better. I put on my clothes then walked to the door .I was about to open the door when I heard someone talking so I decided to eavesdrop.

"Hey William got all the money from the first three executive cabins." I hear a guy say from the other side of the door, I take a peep through the eye hole and saw that he was standing right in front of my door but he was facing the door at the front of my door, so his back was faced against my door. He was video chatting a guy whose name was William. I lock the door silently because I think he's gonna come in and get all my stuff, like duhh? If you watch action movies like me theres a possibility that it will happen.

"It's Mr. Dein to you Alfred." I hear William say. Based on his looks and face William was the same age as I am.

"Oh sorry Mr. William Dein." I hear Alfred say.

"Oh and one more thing Alfred "

"What is it sir?"

"Make sure you go to EVERY ROOM and make sure no one sees you. That's an order."

"Yes sir." Alfred says the closes his phone. He was waring a face mask and a bonet and he had a big backpack. He faces my door then tries to open it, like I said , watching action movies paid off.

I run to my backpack and get my knife and baseball bat. I brought my baseball bat because I'm starting to like baseball and I've learned that Paris had a good field for baseball. I was ready to knock his face . He was really forcing to open the door. I then hear a woman scream and I could tell she was at the front of my door, I recognized that voice.

"Please no! I promise I won't tell." I hear the woman , I recognized the voice as Eleanor say. I run to the door then immediately open it , but I heard a big explosion coming from the other side of the ship, suddenly everything went in slow-motion. I was trying to hit "Alfred" but he suddenly shot Eleanor at her head and heart. I hit Alfred , I was about to grab Eleanor but I could feel the ship rocking , so I run to the bed and got the 2 life vests under it and wore one and the other on Eleanor.

I then carry Eleanor then ran as fast as I could to where everyone was , outside . When we got outside, I noticed that the other side of the ship was sinking, we were very lucky to be on the part that wasn't sinking. I push myself and Eleanor through the crowd and luckily I see Niall.

"Where have you been? WHAT HAPPENED TO ELEANOR?!" Niall asks starting to panic.

"I woke up with a major headache." I say gently putting Eleanor to the side and wrapped her wounds with my shirt and towel so her blood wouldn't flow out.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?" Liam ask panicking.

We then heard an explosion then everything went dark. I wake up in a hospital bed.

"Hey" I see a very attractive woman say, she was a doctor and she was checking my vital signs.

"Ugh, hi?" I say confused. If she wasn't hot I would've panicked.

"Oh you must be wondering where you are aren't you? Well, you are back at London. I was part of the rescue team and we found you body floating around then we identified you as a British citizen then we brought you here." she says. My head hurts just by thinking of what happened.

"Oh and don't worry you don't have any fractures, just minor injuries." she said smiling , damn her smile.

"How about my friends? Have you seen them?" I ask

"What are their names?" she asked checking her clipboard.

" Niall Horan, Liam Payne , Louis Tomlinson , Eleanor Calder and Y/F/N " I ask nervously.

"hm.. well, we have Horan and Payne on the list of survivees and we haven't found Y/L/N and Tomlinson yet." she says shaking her hand .

"WHAT ABOUT CALDER?" I say panicking

"Well, she didn't make it." she says sadly. Tears started rolling down my eyes then I covered my face with my hands.

"The both of you were close weren't you?" she says sitting down next to me , rubbing my back.

"She was like a sister to me, she was my bestfriends girlfriend. He was supposed to propose to her at Paris but then all this happened." I say wiping my tears. Even though I wasn't that close to Eleanor, I treated her like a sister and she was always there for me. I was thinking if I should tell her about what I saw but then a nurse came in.

"Doctor Thea, a patient needs you at room 105." the nurse says then walks out.

"Okay I guess I have to go now." she says standing up from the bed.

"Wait! Would you like to have coffee sometime? Like when I'm out of the hospital?" I ask. She smiles.

"Well are you sure about that? I mean we only just met and I don't know much about you." she says amused.

"Well I'm Harry Styles and it's nice to meet you." I say smiling.

"Hi Harry, Im Althea Dein and its nice to meet you too." she says then leaves the door. Did she say Dein? Well there like a 5% chance that shes related to that William guy right? The past few days my family came over to visit , then I moved rooms so now I was with Liam and Niall the after a few more day I recovered then went back to work. One normal day , I got a call from Niall and he said that they found Y/n's body then I immediately left the meeting to go to the hospital where she was.

*End of Flashback*

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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