Chapter Twenty-Two: The Meeting

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We got to the meeting just on time. I checked my makeup and hair in the car mirror and noticed my hair was pretty wild from sex. I smoothed my hair back into a pony tail and we headed inside.
The realtor was waiting in the lounge area. We walked in and I was surprised to find a woman waiting for us. She was tall, blonde, and had flawless skin. Lucky bitch. She spotted us and stood to greet us.

She extended her hand to Nate, "You must be Nate, so nice to meet you." Then she turned to me, "And you must be Chloe." I shook her hand as Nate started conversation.

"Great to meet you as well, thank you for meeting with us. I'm beyond ready to start looking at houses."

We all sit and order drinks as the woman, her name was Miranda, started to pull out some paperwork and her laptop.

"Alright, so I've reviewed your criteria and desired purchase price and have selected a few houses I think will fit what you're needing best."

Every word she said was directed at Nate, she didn't even glance my way once. I mean yeah, it's his house, but it was the way her eyes sparkled at him that made me uncomfortable. A couple days together and I was already the jealous girlfriend. Definitely hadn't had that problem before.
Miranda displayed the pictures and info of the homes she selected on her laptop. I noticed most of them were closer to the part of town where his parents lived. Luckily that was only about a twenty minute drive from my house. It would be nice having him that close.
Nate started looking over the pictures as Miranda read the info. I listened and made some notes so Nate could have them to review later. As they started discussing a particular house, I found myself spacing out, thinking about our time together.

"So what do you think, Chloe?"

"Hmm? I'm sorry I was just writing notes and must've spaced."

Nate smiles. "I was asking what you think about this house. It needs some work but would give me the most space and has the greatest potential for later value."

I quickly look through the pictures. It was a beautiful home, but it definitely needed some work. I read the info and asking price and then noticed the location was just ten minutes from my house. I definitely wasn't opposed to that.

"Well, I think if you can find someone to do the work correctly for you, this is a good choice. I definitely think we should go see it before making any decisions though."

Miranda pipes up, "Oh, absolutely! I can just make a quick call and we should be able to see it this evening if you want!"

Nate and I nod and Miranda leaves the table to make her phone call.

"I'm so glad you came with me to help make this decision."

"I think little miss realtor would've preferred this meeting without me."

Nate wrinkles his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing... forget I said anything."

He chuckles, "Do I sense some jealousy?" I look down and he tilts my chin so I'm facing him. "Sweetheart, she's a realtor, nothing more. If she's interested in me, that's just too damn bad. I'm already taken and more than satisfied with what I have."

I relax a little and kiss him as Miranda gets back to the table.

"Sorry to interrupt. I got the viewing set up, shall we go?"

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