Exploding Kittens [1]

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"Ugh! What can I do?" Giorno spoke to himself as the match was filmed. He had but 2 cards in his hand. His opponent at 4.
"What are you waiting for Giorno?" Dean asked as Giorno hesitated.
"I'll play my See The Future," Giorno said playing down as card. He picked up the top 3 and saw what he expected, the Exploding Kitten on top.
"Next up is my shuffle," Giorno said as he began to shuffle the deck before picking up a card. Dean then drew. Giorno drew again. It was an Exploding Kitten.
"Well, you've won Dean," Giorno said to his opponent as he placed the card on the table.
"Good game," they both said shaking hands.

The television then cut to a commercial as Arron watched.
"Man! They are awesome!" Arron explained. He then got up, grabbed his bag and ran out the door.
Arron Mandingo was a 14 year old boy with optimism being a central factor to his character. He wore blue jeans and a bright yellow t-shirt, which flamboyantly helped to compliment his red hair.
He ran down the streets dodging people and other things like green trash cans which always seemed to be full. Arron kept running down the hill like street before making a sharp turn into the local card shop, Gamer Man's Right Hand.
"Hey! Whose up for a game today!" Arron yelled as he pushed both doors open. Looking around, Arron spotted some guys looking over towards him. Scanning the situation, Arron saw that four of them were beating up a smaller kid. The smaller kid had brown hair and wore a small brown jacket, unzipped to show off a lion symbol on his shirt.
"So, we've got another hot shot ready to play?" said one of the guys as he stepped out in front. Another one of them spun the table around to face Arron, as it was already set up with 5 hands dealt.
"I'm Arch, and the rest of these goons don't really matter," Arch said as he introduced himself. His hair was white and wore a black hat with a symbol of a bear on it. Looking around, the rest of the men also bore the same beat symbol.
"It would also be obvious to say that as the person being challenged by your shouting, I'm going first," Arch said as he place down 3 Taco Cat cards.
"Oh no! A three of a kind!" the kid behind the bullies spoke up.
"I'll be taking your Defuse Card!" Arch shouted as Arron was forced to hand over the card.
Arch then drew a card. Another one of his peons followed. It was Arron's turn.
This match has just started and I'm down a defuse. Now I'm only at 7 cards. I could draw but with 14 cards left and 4 of them being the Exploding Kittens, who knows what's on top. I should play it safe for now.
"I'll play my Skip Card so I can skip my turn," Arron spoke up. The prob to his left then threw down a card.
"I'll nope that with my Nope Card," he spoke up. Arron then reluctantly drew a card. The peon who played the Nope drew confidently before realizing he'd drawn the Exploding Kitten.
"Good thing I have a Defuse Card, to stay in the game," the guy tried to said in a cocky manner. He placed it back into the deck before his partner also drew an Exploding Kitten.
"What the hell man!" The guy flipped out.
"No! I didn't put it there, that's a different card!" the other man tried to convince his partner. He defused the card and it was put back into the deck.
"Well it seems as you too have become a bit dysfunctional. I'll be shuffling the deck," Arch said playing his Shuffle Card. Arch then drew. The peon yo Arron's right then drew as well. Arron then drew as well. So did the man to his left. The drawing continued until Arch's next turn.
"Blast it!" he shouted, revealing the Exploding Kitten before using on of the two Defuse Cards Arron knew he had.
"Nope!" Arron called playing his Nope Card.
"You bastard! Now for my second defuse!" Arch said playing it.
"I won't let you! Nope again!" Arron called out.
"No, I'll stop it sir!" the lackey not next to Arron said playing a Nope Card of his own. Arron back off a bit with a whimper.
"That'll she you to try and beat me!" Arch scolded Arron. The next guy drew and an Exploding Kitten came up.
"Arch! Now none of us have defuses unless on of us drew into it," the guy complained. Arron watched as he ended up sliding the card back into the deck. It was put on the bottom.
Why would he put in on the bottom. He knows that nobody has a Defuse and could take me out if I decided to draw.
Arron decided to draw and saw the card.
Aha! The extra Defuse Card. Now I can get back into this! But just who is this man to my right?

To Be Continued

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