Loki, The Beating Heart

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Scene 1 (park with chessboards Loki is sitting at one resetting the board while some one leaves)

Loki: (calm but there's a look of deep thought on his face)

Belinda: (walks up casually to the now empty seat and takes it) Hello.

Loki: (doesn't look up) Are you another chess master from Virginia who insists he can beat me in 8 turns and then is defeated in 6 moves. (looks up rolling a pawn in his hand)

Belinda: No. Just a person from New York, in the mood to play a game of Chess. You're playing white, move. (gestures)

Loki: ( looks at her for a second and sets down his pawn and moves his knight.)

Belinda: So why are you defeating every average Joe that stumbles into a game with you? (they continue their game while talking)

Loki: Helps me think. I'm dealing with some issues at home. (keeps his eyes on the board)

Belinda: Are you a runaway, a con man or just hoping to hook up with a girl by letting her win?

Loki: I didn't run away, I'm usually a con man and I have never gotten with any woman by playing this game so far.

Belinda: Interesting. (moves a piece) Check.

Loki: Where did you learn the game? (moves his piece to defend)

Belinda: My grandfather taught me when I was eight. I kept beating him, and after I turned nine he was all gun ho on me entering chess tournaments but I politely refused and continued to play for conversation. Where did you learn?

Loki: Read a book a few years ago. (moves a piece) Check.

Belinda: Hm. What are you thinking about? (doesn't make a move for several seconds)

Loki: Let's say theoretically, I am a King of people and even though I show them who I am, they begin to hate me and distrust me, and people who were friends became enemies, what would you do? (moves after she captures a pawn in defense)

Belinda: A chess master from reading a book, can't figure that out? (sighs) It's simple. Talk to them, figure out the problems they have with you, and try appeasing to them. Once you have gained their trust, and serve to the people how other Kings should have. (takes a piece pausing) Checkmate they'll love you as their Monarch.

Loki: Impressive. (mumbles looking at the game board and then looks at her giving a half smile)

Belinda: (smiles for a second before clearing her throat) Lovely game, lovely conversation, goodbye. (walks off)

Loki: Lovely indeed. (picks up his king and looks at it)

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