They Don't Know Me

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The playful screams of young girls filled the orphange halls.

"Haha stop it!" 


I roll my eyes. I get up and close the door. It wasn't really gonna help because the people here are too lazy to upgrade this place. If I'm gonna live in a home for parent less people, or at least their parents were stupid enough to get pregnant the drop them at a doorstep, I'd like it to be nice. Not an ancient artifact.

I didn't choose to be here. It isn't my fault my parents are idiots. Though it must run in the family because everyone here doesn't even bother using my real name. They would just say, "Hey you red head idiot, yea you, dinner is ready. Get your butt downstairs."  People here act like they have the right to judge me. Just because I've been here for what feels like forever doesn't mean they know me.

I lay back down. I look to my left and see Max making what looked like a paper airplane. I just close my eyes and hope to end up in a better place. I place where people judge you on your actions. Not your looks or past. Where I can be alone when I want. A place where I can interact with hot guys. Then Becca walks in, blonde hair waving from the AC. She is pretty much the only one who listens to me and won't lecture me afterwards. "Hey Ellie. What's up?" "My parents left me, that's what's up." She laughs and sits on the edge of my bed. I sit up, legs folded inward. Or as they say, "Cris-Cross Applesauce". "Yea well, join the club." I start laughing like crazy. I'm happy I can at least fit a giggle or two in while I'm busy being miserable.

"Dinner!" I lay back down and start to snore. Becca snickers and pulls me up back into a sitting position. "Come on! I don't wanna be stuck sitting next to Anne!" Anne is a girl who is about 8 and is the pet here. She always gets what she wants. So, if you get on her bad side, you're screwed. "But why? I'm tired!" She tilts her head and raises her eyebrow. "I'm getting you down there one way or another." She then began to pull on my arm persistently. "Fine fine! You're gonna dislocate my shoulder." She grins and pretty much drags me downstairs.

The air fills with the fragrance of today's dinner. Meatloaf. Yes. Charolette, our caretaker, is a great cook. I rush into the dining room and plop down in a seat. Becca takes the spot on my left. To make sure Anne or one of her friends didn't sit on my right, I took a napkin and wrote Charolette's name on it. I placed it on her plate. I'd rather have her sit her then one of the stuck-up's.

Just then, Anne came through the doorway, her posse and all. She strut up to me with arrogance and greed in her eyes. "Is this seat taken?" Her voice sounded so innocent. That's what tricks everyone. "Actually it is. For Charolette. See?" I point to the small napkin that lay on the china. "Really?" She then took the napkin and slowly ripped in into micro squares. "I don't see a napkin." She shrugged her elbows and sat down in the chair, an evil smirk glued to her face. I roll my eyes and turn to my left. "Look! Our bestie is here!" I point to the devil child who sat directly next to me. We both say in sync, "What a bitch!" We chuckle under our breath. "What did you just say to her?" An angry Anne stood before me.  "Nothing. Mind your own business sweetheart." "What! I am not a sweetheart!" "Oh, I'm well aware of that, sweetheart."

Before I knew what was happening, Anne was yelling for Charolette. She must not have heard or was ignoring her, because there was no response. Anne repeatedly called and after minutes of trying to get her attention, she finally had enough. She threw a plate at me. I grab Becca's hand and duck. The plate hit a girl named Catherine, one of Anne's friends. I stand up and turn around. What I saw was terrifying.

Catherine lay there with floral ceramic embedded into her flesh. She stay there, in shock. "Stay here! With her!" Becca and Anne nod as I run into the kitchen. "Charolette! Charolette!" The tears start to flow. Charolette runs in with her pink apron on. "What's wrong?" "Catherine is hurt! Really hurt!" She speeds over to the phone and dials 911. "911, what's your emergency?" "One of my girls is injured!" "Miss, please calm down. How is she injured?" She too starts to sob. I doubt they could recognize what she was saying. She falls to her knees on the tile floor. I wipe away my tears and take the phone out of her hands.

"She has china stuck in her body. I know what to do. Just get an ambulance to 93712 Parsons Boulevard." I hang up and run into the dining room. No blood present, but plenty of tears. "Come on! Pull yourselves together! The only way we are gonna save her is by working together! Dry your tears and help me! Get the tablecloth!" Everyone jumps up. "On the count of three! One! Two! Three!" We all pull and silverware goes flying. We place the tablecloth down. "Help me put her on there! One! Two! Three!" We pick her up and gently place her down. "Pick it up and bring it outside!" We all pull upwards. I then hear sirens.

We all manage to get her out of there and to the ambulance. I have to fill out paper work. Yay. It had her full name and regular stuff. Then this question.

"Who is responsible?"

I leave that one blank. I'll just say it's an accident. I finish the documents and go on the ambulance with Catherine. Charolette was in no shape to be helping people. She will need therapy. They closed the doors of the ambulance. I don't believe in God, but I just pray to the universe. I just can't help but think that if Becca hadn't gotten me out of bed, that Catherine would be dead. No one would've known what to do. People think I'm worthless and dumb. I, along with Becca, just saved a life. They don't know me.

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