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chapter four - rewritten

The sudden shock and unexpectedness of his lips on my mind brought sensations of panic and fear of reacting wrong, ruining the moment. So, simply, I am left to fight or flight, and naturally, I find myself grasp myself together and bring myself away.

The boy did sure take my breath away, as my lungs tightened and my eyes fogged after what he had done. I found my way into my dorm earlier; it was better than being forced to sit through the feast alone like this. I cried until I was interrupted.

"Shh!" I hear, "Someone's here!" a squeaky voice sounds.

"Surely the feast isn't over already, it has only just started!" another voice follows. From my bed, I can see two small shadows with rather large ears - house-elves. Eventually, one of them wanders in, giving me a sympathetic look, "Madame, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I choke through wimpy tears.

I am given an introduction without even asking. "I'm Plitty, come in Minkle! She needs help!" another rather sorrowful looking house-elf walks in, they tug in a trolley full of everyone's trunks.

"What are we going to do?" the one questions, anxiously.

"We'll take her to Madame Pomfrey, oh my, she doesn't seem well." and the next thing I know I am being ushered out of my room and to the hospital ward by two house-elves.

I am surprised to find no other than Cedric Diggory sitting in the hospital wing with a second year. His back turned away, so he is yet to notice me, luckily. Nevertheless, it only takes a few sniffs until he turns around. His eyes widen, and he rushes over.

"Elise! Are you alright?"

I feel embarrassed; I'm sure that's never before when he's kissed a girl. "i-i'm sorry, I just got a bit overwhelmed; that's all." I swallow, his eyes look at me with pure forgiveness, "I shouldn't have left you like that, I apologise."

"Oh no," his hands rest on mine, squeezing it softly, "honestly Elise, it was all a bit spontaneous. But if you don't mind me asking: what was a lie?"

I gulp, I had forgotten I had said that. "That was my first kiss, that guy was a lie."

He chuckled softly, "Well, I can understand why it was so special to you, and sometimes that can lead to things being overwhelming." I am almost shaking, how is this guy so understanding.

"Thank you." I softly smile, deepening the eye contact.

Madame Pomfrey comes back with a blanket and a hot chocolate for me, and it only as she hands them over I realised how damp and cold I was. My absent-minded shiver ends as I sip the drink delicately, being shot envious looks from Cedric.

I walk over with Cedric back to the second-year he was accompanying. "who's this then?" I question Cedric.

"This is Max, he had a bit of a stomach upset after the carriage ride, and I found him and took him here." Cedric and max smile at each other, the shivering Ravenclaw boy looks grateful.

"So, are you excited for your second year?" I ask after a bit, attempting to make conversation.

He coughs before speaking, "Yes actually; I'm sad that I missed the feast - I wanted to see the sorting."

"Don't worry," Cedric reassures him, "you see the sortings too many times here." the boy smiles, despite being still upset about missing it, Cedric's response was enough to cheer him up.


As I return to the Common Room later that night with Cedric, I discover that gossip never fails to spread quickly. And perhaps walking in with him only made things even more apparent. Immediately, I went straight back to my dorm, yet before I had stepped in, I heard my name spoken. I stood back, eavesdropping into the conversation.

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