Slayer 4

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After I'd shoved him away so roughly that night, the atmosphere between us became terse and awkward. We avoided each other around the penthouse, and any conversation was short and self-conscious. I knew for sure that I wouldn't be able to get anything out of him until we resolved this...which would be never.

Out of all the things that would happen to me if I became Xavier's, I hadn't expected this. I never thought I'd soften at all toward vampires, but he'd started to turn that around. I had to put it back the way it used to be, or else I'd be in danger of getting hurt again. If I had to hurt him, so be it...right?


"Aw, c'mon, Xavier, it's not gonna be like this all the time, right?" asked Seraph, the only friend I had who was both companion and confidant. Out of all the vampires I knew, I could only trust him. He was the most loyal and smart, even kind, no matter how dangerous or foolish that was for someone of our species. I'd known him since his creation...of course I did. I'd been the one to turn him, to give him eternal life.

I sighed. "I hope not." I was lying on the bed, my arm thrown over my eyes, while Ser sat at the edge of the mattress, watching me worriedly, I knew.

"She'll come around, don't worry," he said in a hopeless effort to cheer me up. Since Alexis had pushed me away, it felt as if the world had dissolved around me. Ser had diagnosed it as some sort of depression and was wasting his time trying to get me out of the pit I'd fallen into. I appreciated the effort, but it wasn't going to work. I had to know why she'd done that. Her eyes-she'd looked away hastily, but I had faster reflexes; I'd seen her face, her expression-had been almost...scared. Right when she'd been beginning to relax, even warm towards me, she recoiled away, back into that hard shell. I wanted to scream with frustration-I hadn't foreseen how difficult this would be!

I heard the patter of the shower water turn off, and struggled to don the mask I'd been keeping up around her presence. I couldn't let her know this affected me so much. I couldn't let her know anything until she gave in to me.

Ser patted my arm slightly in reassurance, his smile tinged with sadness. I tried to believe that the emotion wasn't stemmed from pity, but rather sympathy, but I knew I was pathetic. Who would've known that one day, the Lord of the Vampires would want to help the Slayer Princess?


I toweled my hair dry after I got dressed. A couple of days after I'd arrived at the penthouse to stay with Xavier, he'd put together a suitable wardrobe for me, with clothes in familiar styles and comfortable material. I owed him for this, for everything I received here in this home of sorts.

I shook my head fiercely. No. I didn't owe him anything. I was just living here for a while until he gave me the information I needed, and that was it.

After I dragged a comb-yet another item from Xavier-through my hair, I padded out toward the kitchen, where I glimpsed someone moving around near the sink. With a surge of unexplainable hope, I crept forward, calling, "Xavier?"

The figure turned, and my balloon of anticipation deflated rapidly. It was just another visitor: Xavier's friend, Seraph, who came almost every other day. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows so he wouldn't get them wet as he washed the dishes-well, my dishes, because no one else ate here. It was a weird image, to see a vampire washing the dishes, but if it were Seraph, I could believe it. Out of all the vampires I'd gotten to know living with Xavier, Seraph was the most human-like, and I had liked him instantly. If he'd still been a human, we could've been friends. Now, though, I wasn't so happy to see him. I had gotten my hopes up only to have them plunge...

He glanced up from the dishes. "Oh, hello, your Highness."

"Hi, Seraph," I said, trying not to sigh too loudly. The title reminded me of stuffy elders with too much power and nothing to do with it. "You don't have to call me that, you know."

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