Chapter One

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"Wake up Shay!" I heard someone call. "C'mon! Time to wake up!" I heard the same voice call as someone started pulling me. Before I knew what was happening, I landed face first on my bedroom floor.

'This isn't Camelot...' I thought to myself, as I finally woke up from my dream. It was a wonderful dream. I was a princess, the daughter of King Arthur. I had many suitors, but only one that sparked my interest. His name? Knight-

"Please tell me you weren't dreaming about Mike AGAIN, Shay" my BFF Haley said. She must have been the one calling me. I grunted, while I got up on my knees to see where she was. She was sitting across the room, sitting criss-cross, looking at me with slightly annoyed, yet perfect crystal blue eyes. I loved Haley's eyes, they were so much better than my mud brown ones.

I looked at the clock.

"5:30?" I said, still exhausted from last nights sleepover. "Why, Haley, why? Do you hate me or something?"

"Nooooooo......" She said, dragging out the 'o'. A huge smile spread across her face. "Guess again!"

Let's see, the only two things that could get her this excited were A):

"Does it have to do with a boy?" I asked.


And B):

"Crud, It's the first day of school, isn't it?" I asked, really hoping that there was a 3rd option I had forgotten about. But no such luck.

"Yep!" Haley said brightly. Speaking of brightly, she hopped to her feet and pulled open my lavender curtains, letting the blinding rays of sunlight, stream into my room. "So get up, get dressed and get moving! We both know that you love school just as much as I do, maybe more!"

We both knew that was impossible. No one loves school more than Haley. She loves school because she basically runs the place, where as I love it because I am a total nerd, always wanting to learn more!

I grunted in response.

"Just get out so I can get dressed!" I said standing up. This seemed to please her, and she finally left. Yet, not before calling-

"I'll get started on breakfast"

-on her way out.

"Haley's making breakfast?" I said to my stuffed pig, Mr Oinks. "I should call the fire department now!" I laughed for a minute, then got in the shower. After that, I walked into my walk in closet wearing my pink fluffy robe and slippers.

After standing there for a minute, deciding what to wear, I picked out a white lace dress that falls loosely to my knees, with a brown leather belt around the waist. I brushed out my long strawberry-blonde hair, which reached down to the small of my back.Haley had put it in a braid last night, so it turned out to be quite wavy and perfect today.

'Good thing too,' I thought to myself. 'Its almost 6:30, the bus will be here at 7:45!'

I raced downstairs to find a rather glum looking Haley sitting next to plates of grapes, toast, eggs, and bacon.

"Your mom made it all." She said. "She insisted that she do it, I don't know why she didn't trust me to!" She looked confused, she obviously was not aware of all of her failures in the kitchen

"Maybe it's because last time you tried to make toast," I popped a grape into my mouth. "You blew up our toaster!" I started laughing at the memory. I even saw a smile start to form at the corners of her mouth when a beep sounded. She immediately checked her phone, and I saw her cheeks go entirely pink, and the biggest smile spread cross her face. I know what that meant. She must be texting her crush, Cody. And she calls ME boy-crazy!

I quickly snatched the phone out of her hands.

"Hey!" She yelled, and tried to get it back. Luckily I was about 2 inches taller than her, and read the messages while holding the phone out of her reach.

"Wow, how do you guys have conversations like these and not be part of one of those sappy romance movies?" I say, laughing at her. "'Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you! -love Cody'" I practically doubled over in laughter.

"Give me my phone back!" She wined, and finally grabbed it from me. She face was full of embarrassment. "I know it's kinda pathetic, but it was still really sweet of Cody to write that for me!" She was back to smiling at her phone. I'll have to check out this Cody guy for myself...

*HONK HONK!* We hear the bus outside. We choke down a few more pieces of bacon and we head out the door. Time to begin the first day of 7th grade.

Hey guys!

I hope you liked the first chapter of my new story! I'm putting a lot of work into making sure that it is the best it can be, and to help me with that, I need you guys to comment, and tell me what you want to happen in this next chapter. I have ideas, but I need your help figuring out things like:

*what does Cody look like?

*are the kids at school nice or mean to Shay?

*what should be the mascot of the school?

Things like that! And yes, the mascot thing is important. You'll find out why later on.

Just remember to comment, vote, like. I LOVE the support!

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