Chapter 1

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Carries POV:

You might be new to my school.
You might think,

"Oh what a peaceful school were monsters and humans get along!"

Well the real world hurts.Its broke and can't be fixed.

The humans in my school are taught by their parents that we "monsters"are not like them.We are vicious and cruel,waiting to attack.

Back then maybe we where like that,but not now.

Back 20 years ago,us supernatural were wild and didn't know any better.

After weeks of court and protest,they finally let us in their community.We actually had a chance.

Well that was 20 years ago.Times change and so do people.I don't see how we are the monsters when they hurt us worst then us them.


"Carrie?"Julia asked looked at me like I had just eaten a man alive.

"Hm?"I said shoving my fork into my salad.

"Don't look now,but I think Lucas is walking out way,"her voice stoped to a whisper,"and he's bringing his squad!"

I turned my head to see them sit in front of us.

There was Lucas,Who sat in front of me,Logan,Who sat in front of Julia,Cody who sat across from Mae, Cooper across Penny,and Sammy who sat at the end in front of nobody.

"Hi Cassie."Sammy said sending me a wink.He was a ram like me,but he's the flirt of the school.

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Lucas.

"Did you guys need something?"I ask sweetly.

"We need dates."Cooper said looking at Penny.

Everyone started talking to the one across from them,of course Sammy just started trying to get with the girls who sat at the table behind us.

All but me and Lucas,we didn't say a word.

Finally he cleared his throat,"So would you be my date to the dance?"he said blushing.

I used my pink hair to hide my blush.

"S-sure Lucas..."I mumbled,blushing like a cherry.

Everyone finished talking and let with their dates.Except for me and Lucas again.

"I'll pick you up tommarow,Cass."he sent me a wink.

My face turned to a tomato as he left me in the cafeteria,alone thinking about him.

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