I have a big heart

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Same day as last chapter
September 25,2017
Armon: I did what I needed to do and then I returned Airi's phone without her knowing when she went to the bathroom.
1 hour later
Armon someone knocked on the door. It was... yea y'all have to wait to find out who it is.
-Armon: thanks for coming on such short notice and thanks for picking up the pizza
- secret person: no problem
Armon: I'll be back you can get comfortable at the table
-secret person: okay cool
Armon: I walked into Airi room she was still working on her homework
-Armon: Pizzas here.
-Airi: okay I'm coming
Armon: I waited near the door til she finally came out.
-Airi: Okay bodyguard let's go
Armon: I walked her to the table and at the table was Tray. And a nice candle lit table with pizza in the middle.
-Airi: Armon invited
-Armon: I've been stressing you, and you don't need extra stress. I might have borrowed your phone, but you're right my role is to have your back. And well I support y'all two.
-Airi: omg Thank you so much
Airi: Armon was a great guy and he deserved a female that matched his personality. I gave him a hug. He really went all out.
-Tray: Armon are you going to stay and eat with us.
-Armon: I would But her mom invited me to homemade dinner upstairs. And that sounds good right now. I got Dan for the rest of the night.
-Airi: Thank you so much Armon
-Armon: GN to both of you. Airi I'll see you tomorrow.
Tuesday Afternoon
September 26, 2017
Airi: School had just got out and I had to meet Armon at some place. He told me it wouldn't take long. He told me that my mom was going to pick up Dan and I could still return to cheer practice.

I arrived at the location he sent me in less then 15 minutes.
-Armon: So you like this area so far
-Airi: Yea it's pretty convenient took me 15 minutes to get here and it's in the middle of everything I like it.
-Armon: it's more to see
Airi: When we walked into the building a realtor greeted up.
-Realtor: This must be the lovely Airionna that you were talking about
-Armon: Yes it is. Airi this is Anna she's my realtor. We'll explain more when we get upstairs.
Airi: We took the elevator to the top floor. The realtor opened the door. We walked into a nice condo.
-Anna: So If y'all could follow me we can start the tour of the house.
Airi: The tour took 15 minutes and then she explained all the off fun things that came along with the condo.
-Armon: With that being said Airi. It's three bedrooms. Two master bedrooms. A nice size third bedroom. It on the top floor, convenient to your school, close to your mom and Dan's daycare. With all this in mind Airi would you like to be my roommate? You told me to listen to you and be there for you. This is your chance to have your own place.
-Airi: let's do it
-Anna: I don't have the papers with me today but how about Wednesday y'all can stop by my place?
-Airi: Sure I'll be there. I have to go but thanks this place is wonderful.
Armon: Airi shook the realtors hand and gave me a hug before. Running to her car and driving off to practice.

Down below is a picture of the condo they looked at.

Down below is a picture of the condo they looked at

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