Deal With It!

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Ethan Dolan X Reader

Summary: Ethan's packing to go on his road trip to Vegas with the Sister Squad without you. Lately, Ethan and Emma have been getting closer and you're not entirely comfortable with your boyfriend leaving you behind while he's living it up in Vegas with Emma. After months of holding in your true feelings for Emma, you decide to let him know how you feel.

Disclaimer: I don't hate Emma lol. She's a cool girl, and I'm not claiming that Emma is actually in love with Ethan. I just wanted to make it a little messy for the storyline. Who doesn't love a little drama yano??

"Are you serious right now Ethan?" Ethan didn't make eye contact with you as he packed his suitcase for Vegas. "I don't know why you're being so difficult Y/N. It's really not that big of a deal." You rolled your eyes, he knew you hated when he called you difficult. "Not that big of a deal? You're literally going to be road tripping to Vegas without me, and you're going to be with her the whole time!! What sane girlfriend would be okay with that?" His eyes finally met yours. "I don't know, maybe a trusting and loving girlfriend, ever thought of that?" That hurt. "Ethan, don't act like I don't trust you, you know I do. But you hanging out overnight, getting a hotel and being so fucking far from me is not something I'm cool with, You know how that makes me feel. And don't pretend you don't understand, cause if the roles were reversed and it was me hanging out with my best "guy friend" laughing it up in Vegas, sharing hotel rooms while you were sitting in LA at home doing nothing you'd be fucking pissed, hell... you lose your shit if you catch a guy staring at my ass, so don't even try it! I have every right to be pissed." Ethan sighed, stuffing clothes into his suitcase. "And stop fucking packing when I'm talking to you god dammit." Ethan knew all of the right buttons to push, and not giving you his full attention when you're venting to him was at the top of the list of things not to do. He stopped finally, his hazel eyes landing on your brown ones. "So what do you want me to do Y/N? Call em up and be like, sorry guys it's gonna be only Grayson going to Vegas cause my girlfriend is jealous of Emma and doesn't want me around her for that long even though I don't like Emma at all? No, I'm obviously not doing that, you're gonna have to get over it and deal with it." At this point you were furious. You felt like taking a shoe off and throwing at his stupid ass. "Deal with it? Ethan, you don't know what the fuck I deal with. Every time I open twitter all I see is everyone shipping you with her. Those dumb edits, I gotta see. I can't like or comment on any of your pics on Insta without seeing all the fucking comments about Emma. It's all about #ethma. It's fucking everywhere, just rubbed all in my fucking face. Meanwhile, no one even knows we're together. I'm fine with keeping us a secret, I know your fandom is batshit crazy, but why the fuck do I have to sit back and watch everyone fawn over you and Emma and not be upset. Don't tell me to fucking deal with it." Tears streamed down your face and stung at your eyes, messing up your makeup. Your throat burned from yelling at the top of your lungs "And you wanna know the worse part E?" You said, in a small whisper. "I see the way she looks at you. She has the same look in her eyes that I have when I look at you. She's in love with you Ethan. I don't know how you don't see it." Ethan's rude and snarky demeanor had completely changed as his face fell at your words. That was the first time you ever really expressed your opinion on the whole fandom shipping him and Emma situation. You had always played it cool, cause you didn't wanna come off as jealous. You knew it was possible for a guy and a girl to just be friends, but the closer Ethan and Emma got, the worse it made you feel, and today you reached your boiling point. Ethan made his way to you, wiping away the tears that rested at your cheeks before he wrapped his strong arms around you. "Babe, I had no idea it was getting to you like that. I'm so sorry." You sucked in a deep breath before exhaling through your nose. You felt a lot better getting everything off your chest. You knew it wasn't Ethan's fault. He had no control over his wild supporters. And you knew you couldn't force him to cut off Emma. "It's okay, I should've been more honest about it instead of bottling it up and letting it get to this point." You looked up at him, pecking his soft lips. You sighed before coming to your final decision. "You can go to Vegas Ethan." His eyebrows knit together at your sudden change of heart. "Are you sure I-" You cut him off with your finger to his lips. "Go to Vegas, have fun, film your videos. I do trust you to do the right thing. Now that my feelings are out in the open I'm not that upset anymore." Ethan nodded before kissing you on the forehead. You didn't want to be that girlfriend that holds her boyfriend back from living life just because of your insecurities. Ethan pulled back and smiled at you. "Thank you. I know this is tough for you. But you know I only have eyes for you, I don't know what Emma feels for me and I don't care. I love you, and you only." You smiled back at him. "I know." You leaned up for another kiss before smacking him on the butt. "Now go finish packing." Ethan kissed your temple one more time before he resumed stuffing his suitcase. 

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