Songbird G.D.

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Grayson Dolan X Reader

Summary: You're an aspiring musician in NY. You happen to meet these two unbelievably hot but mysterious twins while going to your favorite place to eat in the city. Grayson seems to take a liking to you instantly, and you can't help but like him back. (Let me know if y'all want the part 2)

Warnings: Cursing and shit!!! Probably typos!

The bustling streets of Manhattan were flooded with pedestrians as you exited out of your studio session and on to the crowded streets. You squinted your eyes as the sun hit your face. You'd been in that studio since 3am. Lately, you have been spending more nights in the recording studio then you did in your studio apartment in Brooklyn. What time was it? You checked your phone. "4:30 pm already, are you fucking kidding me?" You rolled your eyes. How did you let time get away from you like that? Thank god you were close friends with the owner of the studio so you got session time for free... otherwise, that would've been an extremely expensive session. Your stomach grumbled, leaving behind a slight pain in your gut, letting you know that it had been quite some time since you last ate. This wasn't the first time you'd skip a meal or two to get a song written and recorded. It was a small sacrifice to make your dreams come true. And it was starting to pay off. You were booking more gigs around the city than before. Bars, clubs, shit even birthday parties were cool as long as the price was right. You were even gaining more supporters on social media. Last night you had finally hit 100K on your YouTube channel, which consisted of song covers you'd do, original songs, and music videos. You'd throw in a vlog for a few cool gigs you landed as well. Your following was small compared to others but you were finally making a name for yourself and you were really freaking proud. Tonight you're actually performing your biggest venue thus far which was going to be in this dope ass nightclub that was really popular in the city. Your stomach grumbled again, demanding you to eat something. You instantly decided on your favorite spot which was this small sandwich joint a few blocks away. In fifteen minutes you were at your favorite place. You opened the shop door, all the cool air from inside washing over you as you got out the sun. The place was unusually busy but the shop owner spotted you immediately and greeted you with a smile. "Hey Sal!" You said as you marched up to the counter. "How've you be-" You were cut off when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You spun around to find a tall and handsome guy standing in front of you. His eyes were the first thing you noticed. You were stuck trying to figure out if they were brown or green. They looked mostly brown almost the exact shade of brown as his hair, which laid unstyled in a messy flop against his forehead, but when the light hit them you swore you saw green. You brought your focus down to his lips. His plump pink lips. This was probably the first time you ever wanted to kiss a complete stranger. Your eyes continued to study him, now focusing on his broad shoulders and chest that moved up in down as he breathed in and out. He was very muscular, it was obvious even with the jean jacket he wore covering him up. You were so busy checking this dude out that you didn't even realize he was speaking to you. "I'm sorry, what?" You said finally, snapping out of your trance. "I said I was next on line. You just fucking skipped me." You realized that he was pissed at you. You blinked a few times before realizing that he was in fact next on line, and behind him was another guy... that looked exactly like him, wtf! "I'm so sorry. I'm so used to this place having hardly any customers, there's usually never a line." You heard Sal crack a laugh from behind the counter. The stranger's exterior softened, giving you a small smile. "It's cool. Me and my bro were just starving." You glanced over to the guy who was a foot or two away from the stranger in front of you. He gave you a small wave and gave a smile in return. So they're twins, you thought to yourself. "Anyways it's no big deal. Ladies first right." He let out a chuckle as he said the last few words and you grin. "Thank you, again I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude and cut you guys off, if it helps I'll totally pay for you guys subs." The stranger shakes his head. "No, I can't let you do that, but there is something you can do for us instead." He says putting on a sweet smile. You raise your eyebrows in surprise. "And what's that?" You say, curiosity completely taking over. "Help us figure out what to get. You seem like you come here often, what would you recommend? I swear we've been staring at the menu for ten minutes trying to decide but every sandwich sounds so good." Sal chimes in. "It's true, they've been standing there forever and haven't ordered anything." The twins laugh, a slight blush of embarrassment washing over their faces. "Well, that's no problem. My favorite is the meatball sub. I get it all the time. I was just about to order it actually" They both nod in approval of your taste. "Then it's settled. Three meatball subs please." The guy says to Sal. Sal immediately disappears behind the counter preparing the subs. While you wait, you turn to the stranger. "So I never got you guys names. I'm Tiana by the way" You hold out your hand. He takes it instantly. "I'm Grayson and this is Ethan." Ethan shakes your hand. "Sup" Is all he manages to say. "Are you guys from here? I've never seen you in here before." You look around at all the people in the shop, realizing that they're all girls who seem to have all their complete focus on the two boys in front of you. "To be honest I've never seen any of these people in here before." He gave you an awkward laugh. "No, we're actually from Jersey but we live out in LA right now." You tilted your head to the side in confusion. "So what are you doing in Manhattan then?" Grayson bites his bottom lip, causing you to put your focus back on them. "We're here for work" You nod at his answer. "Oh cool. What do you guys do?" Ethan answers for Grayson. "We make dumb Youtube videos." Ethan says with a snort, causing Grayson to burst with laughter. "Yeah, they're pretty stupid." Grayson agrees. "What about you? what do you do?" You look down at the floor. "I'm a musician. I sing and I play a few instruments." They both smile. "Impressive. Where can I hear your music?" Grayson says. Causing you to look up from the floor. Your jaw drops. "OH! I also have a Youtube channel, it's small but all my songs are there and I have a Soundcloud. Both are @TianaSongbird, Songbird is my stage name, not my actual last name." You were nervous suddenly, you always got nervous when introducing someone to your music. "What's your channel, I'll check you guys out as well." Grayson grinned. "Just search Dolan Twins and we should pop up." You nodded, saving the name in your notes on your phone. You guys go back and forth exchanging all your social media's "So E an I were planning on exploring the city tonight, it would be nice to have a native New Yorker show us around. You down?" Your shoulders sagged. "As dope as that sounds I actually have a really big gig tonight that I can't miss at this nightclub." Grayson's eyes widen with delight. "You're performing tonight! Can we come-- I mean. We'd like to come to support you if that's cool with you. If I'm overstepping that okay, I didn't mean to." You shake your head. "No that's fine, you guys are more than welcome to swing by and see me perform. I'll dm you the address of the club." Just then Sal sets down three amazing smelling meatball subs. You go in your bag to get your wallet but Grayson stops you. "I got this." You look up at him in surprise. "What are you doing?" He smiles. "Consider this as a thank you, for letting us crash your performance." The total for all three subs was only $15.50 but Grayson slaps down a 50 dollar bill and tells Sal to keep the change. "It was great bumping into you today but Ethan and I have to get going to our hotel." They both grab their subs from the counter and head for the door. Grayson turns around to you. "See you tonight Songbird." He gives you a wink before exiting the shop.  

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