Does it make you freak out

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He holds his hand out to me and I sit up and take it then pull him closer. He gets a surprised look on his face as I lean my mouth close to his ear.

"Did you know that gorilla of a man was coming?" By the sound of his quiet laugh, that's a yes.

I lean back in my chair with my hands immediately going to brush up my bangs. I squeeze my eyes then glance around the room again where a few people have started whispering to each other. Then my eyes land on her. The girl from the bus.

Omg omg omg my virgin soul. This girl is completely stunning. Her big green eyes and soft jawline with slightly flushed cheeks pull at all of my heart strings. Miles' hand waves in front of my face and I'm brought out of my stalker tendencies to see an expectant look on his face.

When I don't say anything he sighs and says, "Your name, man."

I mouth an oh before saying back, "Its Dylan."

He nods to me and then turns around at a speed thats sure to cause whiplash. Everyone in the room falls silent. The yelling outside has stopped. A few tense seconds pass then the shorty from before jerks the door open and rushes to a seat to the left of mine. His face is pale but red, like someone who's ran a couple miles while having to pee. Its not a pleasant sight. Almost the instant his butt hits the chair the door opens again and Mr. Hilix walks in.

If I couldn't tell by the deathly silence, then the tense air and way everyone squirms under his gaze clears it up for me. Everyone is terrified of this giant and I don't know completely why. Sure he's huge and loud, but that only accounts for people who let size intimidate them. Which I'm sure the boys with football jerseys on have had to stare down a guy this big before. Whatever else he's packing is probably traumatizing.

He walks the the top left corner of the room to a larger than normal, but standard issue teachers desk. He ruffles through some papers before taking out a single relatively thin packet and walking down my aisle to the desk I've chosen.

"This is the syllabus, we've already gone over it so do that in your own time." He says as he lays it on my desk.

"Okay class we're going to rearrange the desks because this honestly looks like crap and then I'll assign your seats." He claps his hands twice and everyone simultaneously stands and starts moving. Where we're moving I don't know, but its less incriminating than standing still. Before we get far Mr. Hilix instructs us to push the desks into rows of two with three desks in each column.

We end up in a few scattered "tables" of six until he comes and straightens everything out. Everyone is then told to stand in the back of the room and he gets out a sheet of paper which presumably is the seating chart. He goes around the room calling out last names as he touches each desk and first names when people share the same name. He gets to the center table and Miles gets called up along with the beauty from the bus.

To my disappointment I'm not called. He moves along until he gets to the second to last table by the door.

"Cider." He says and I resign myself to a seat where I can't interact with anyone I've met so far. I'm the third one called so I sit in the middle pair of desks.

"Dillon." I look up expecting trouble, but then someone plops down into the seat next to me. I turn and before I can realize who I'm speaking to I burst out,"Your last name is Dylan?"

Shorty is sitting next to me, still fairly red. He looks back at me with a bit of surprise. "Yeah, why?"

"My name's Dylan." He lets out a small laugh and looks at me. I can see a bit of the tension fall from his face as he says, " Oh, really? Your name's Dillon?"

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