0.70 In Which Her Brain Is Flooding With Phenethylamine

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DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own Teen Wolf

 Magic Bullet,

Kate Argent had a great relationship with her nieces. She was everything you'd expect in a fun aunt: pretty, young, not afraid to push her siblings into letting her get away with things. Ellie and Allison loved her a lot, and, next to her cousin, she was Ellie's favourite family member. Sure, she was volatile sometimes, but she was kind, and she knew that the woman was incapable of hurting a fly.

She hadn't seen Kate since her parents' funeral, which wasn't ideal, because she didn't want her to think she was still that weak, fragile little girl. Chris hadn't said anything when Ellie asked if Kate was visiting any time soon, so imagine her surprise when she woke up to the sound of heavy footstep outside her bedroom.

Fumbling passed unopened boxes (she'd been in the house for over a month, and yet she hadn't gotten around to completely settling in), she went to the part of the landing that overlooked the front door and frowned. Her uncle was there, wearing a coat and boots, with a large duffel bag strung over his back. Ellie gave him a look of confusion and called, "Uncle Chris?"

He spun around, "Ellie?"

"What's going on?" she asked, eyeing the bag with interest and slight suspicion. Surely he hadn't been called into work this late at night? 

"Your Aunt Kate just texted," he explained, "I'm heading out to pick her up."

Despite her groggy state, she still managed to feel a spark of excitement, and then another of worry. "It's two in the morning," she noted, "Is everything okay? She's not hurt is she?"

"Oh, no, everything's good," he assured her, "She's just having a little car trouble."

"Car trouble?" she echoed, "Is it serious? 'Car trouble' isn't code for 'car crash', right?"

"Of course not," he shook his head, "Just a flat tire, that's all. Go back to sleep."

If it wasn't so late, she would've protested. She would've asked to come along, but she was tired, and it was a school night. The world around her was kind of hazy, and the stale taste of sleep was at the back of her throat.

So, Ellie stumbled back to her room, holding onto the wall for balance at some points. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep again.

The next morning, she awoke to girlish screaming. It was quite a change from the usual sound of tone-deaf belting of a Justin Bieber song, but it was just as unpleasant. Seriously, would it kill them to let her have a nice, peaceful, gradual wake-up call? Like birds chirping, or the sound of Scott's voice.

The thought of Scott made her bad mood immediately dissipate, leaving behind a glow of warmth. Ellie grinned to herself, pressing her fingers to her lips as they tingled in remembrance of their kisses. She stood and walked to the guest room, where she saw Allison in her pyjamas, hugging Kate.

Ellie's smile widened further, and she launched herself at the pair. "Aunt Kate!" she squealed.

"Ellie!" she squealed back, pulling away to stare at her nieces. "I don't see you girls for four months and you turn into freaking run way models? Look at you!" The girls giggled, knowing that she said this every time she saw them. "Ugh, hate you."

"Oh, we haven't even showered yet," Allison said, blushing despite herself.

"Sweetie, you're a knock out. You both are." Kate shook her head, "In fact, I hope you both have boys literally knocking each other's teeth out for your attention."

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