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I swear I'm working on Zombabs, but I don't have time, motivation, or a laptop (and I have fat thumbs so it's hard to type on phones)

So I wanna cry. Like, I'm so stressed out with our big choir show coming up in like 2 weeks and first trimester finals right afterwards. I'm getting too tall to fit comfortably into buss seats and I keep gaining weight.

Buuuutttt I have a new character that I love and I'm writing her story on paper when I get the chance during class. You'll probably see her in my art book later.

I've been sick on and off for the past few weeks and I want to like, jump out my window. I'm tired as hell but I can't sleep. It's like too hot with blankets and too cold without them.

I'm gonna stop complaining now cuz I'm being annoying so bye.

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