Author's Note 2

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Well, hello folks and I, Silverheart321 is here to tell you something. If I disappoint you, I'm sorry. Well, I been working on Brookstorm's Quest so much that I didn't have time. I will tell you something, I will finish Brookstorm's Quest and then Brookpaw's Prophecy. I hope you will read both of them. It's been pretty hard trying to write on here. My mom insists that I should study more on Math and Reading. So far I got an B+. My mom thinks that is horrible. So, I simply didn't have time! And there might be more books popping up while I'm doing other books.

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE if you suggest book tittles in the comments! I'm thinking about making Willowbreeze's Curse, Flamestar's Destiny, and Silverheart's Trial! And if you vote for my chapters for all my books, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


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