you and Seongwoo have been happy together ever since you guys took revenge on Daniel for dumping you.
but , Daniel just won't leave you alone..
will you and Seongwoo's relationship last? or will it be destroyed by Daniel?
Eunae's pov me and my members were watching Haewon and Jaehwan perform through the mini tv in our waiting room. it was a great song to be honest.
after the song ended , Jaehwan walked towards Haewon and held her hand. she looked at him with huge eyes , shocked at his sudden move.
the fans cheered before the lights on the stage went off so that the both of them could get off without being seen.
when Haewon came back to our waiting room , all of us cheered for her first solo collaboration. "Jaehwan oppa held your hand!" i squealed.
"i know! but it was in public! infront of the fans! i was so shocked!" Haewon exclaimed. "he didn't tell you beforehand?" Holji asked and Haewon nodded.
"maybe it's just fanservice? you know when male idols interact with female idols and fans love that sometimes." Eunkyung said and i nodded agreeing with her.
we had to go up on stage again after Wanna One's performance for the goodbye stage. of course i watched the performance to see Seongwoo.
when we were at the backstage waiting to go on stage , Yeonwoo approached me to have a little chat with me. "wah unnie , jjinja yeppuda." i said complimenting her.
although her hair wasn't even tied up or styled in any way , she still looked really beautiful. and that's not fair.
when all of us were on stage , me and my members made our way to the extended stage to bid the fans goodbye. i bent down and posed for some cameras and stood back up and Haewon tapped my shoulder.
we then made our way to the main stage. and we walked passed Wanna One. i bowed to the members who looked at me and they greeted back.
Seongwoo , Guanlin and Minhyun gave me and fist bump when we walked passed and i could hear fans screaming behind.
after the goodbye stage , we went off stage and went straight back to our hotel. Wanna One will be staying here for another night before flying to their next country.
and my group will stay here for another two nights.
Seongwoo already asked his manager what time do they need to to wake up tomorrow before coming over to my room to stay for the night secretly.
"jagi , i'm leaving tomorrow night. will you be okay alone?" he asked worried. "of course i will be. i've stayed in many hotel rooms all by myself without you. i'm used to it." i said proudly.
"you're that proud you slept in a room all by yourself without me huh?" he said pinching my cheeks.
"ah , apa. let's sleep we need to wake up early for tomorrow again." i said tugging him under the sheets.
the next day..
once again , there was the red carpet ceromony. the sky was dark like yesterday but luckily it wasn't raining.
Yooji's outfit:
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Eunkyung's outfit:
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Ivy's outfit:
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EA's outfit:
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as usual , i got out first and opened up the blanket in my hand for my members to get out comfortably before we walked down the red carpet.
fans were screaming while our song was played on the background. just then , a fan kept screaming for me , stretching out her hand wanting to give me a small stuffed bear. i quickly walked to her and grabbed it before following my members who were already halfway to the stage.
after a small interview , we walked all the way into the building and my manager asked me for the bear i took earlier on so he could check if the bear was containing any cameras or any dangerous objects inside it.
i felt like there wasn't a need to it but , after hearing about cases where idols' fan gifts had cameras inside them , i gave in.