I GOT A THERAPIST?! **Not click bait*

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So, um. The Crew and me were forced (under threats of losing the Waffle House), to do some "group therapy".

Short version is Diath can't make himself happy, but feels that he can only work out all of our issues, and thinks he's gonna become useless and that we're going to dump him. But Naruto ain't going anywhere.

Strix, apparently doesn't understand how to be happy. She thinks she's nothing, and that only Diath, Evelyn and my feelings are important. That is a load of garbage, obviously, but it hurt to hear.

Evelyn open up about how her mother's death effected her. She thinks she is responsible for it. I understand her reasoning, but I don't want her to think that way. Also she has a brother named Brighton that she's never mentioned. (Probably because he also blames her for their mother's death).

Me? I talked about my wife a little, about how I feel kind of responsible for her murder. (Yes, I was married, *shocking*). Evelyn mentioned the suicide attempt by Simon too. But honestly, I feel better now.

Well, other than the fact that our therapist, Dr. Serenity, mentioned something about demons possessing Strix, Diath and me, and she cast something that made me indifferent about everyone, (which was uncool), I feel better and more open to help than before.

NPC's are so awful...most of the time at least. But that's all, folks!

~Posted Thursday, October 4, 2018, 3:45 am.

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