I run home an jump on my bed. I burry my face into my pillow, and cry my eyes out. Soon enough, I open my eyes to see Sam sitting next to me. "Jourden what happened out there?" Sam asks me," I don't know " I say with guilt in my eyes, "Jourden I've always liked you, it's just you've been with kian and I could never find the time to tell you." "I completely understand, I hope kian doesn't-" I get cut off, to Sam kissing me, I push him away after a second. "Sam I really do like you, but as a friend.. I'm with kian, and only kian, I love him and he is my everything,. "Okay I get it. Do me a favor though, if you ever get sick of kian, come to me" said Sam. I laugh, "alright, but that may be a while" Sam hugs me then He leaves to go home.
Short chapter sorry.