Hosuh/Reader | Meet Up Irl

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Y/N Pov

I rolled over in bed, my alarm blaring into my head. "Oh great..." I mumbled to myself, swiping right on my phone, and emerging from my covers. Today was a special day. Why? It was the day you were meeting up with Daniel, Stephen and Hosuh for the first time irl. You guys had video called before, so its not like you didn't know who anyone was. 'I guess i should go get ready.' As i walked down the hall towards my bathroom, thoguhts raced through my mind. 'What if i embarass myself?' 'What if its really awkward.' 'What if i slip up and confess to Hosuh?'

The bath bomb fizzled around me as i lay there, soaking with the ever growing dread of later. (Favourite song) played through my speaker, which in some ways helped calm my nerves. My phone, not even 10 minutes later buzzed to life, and without wetting it, picked it up to see Hosuh was calling. My stomach turned to Jello as I answered the phone. "Hello?" "Oh, uh, hey YN, just ringing to, uh, make sure your awake, ready for us to get there. Were actually not that far so..." God, i could listen to his voice all day. "Oh, yeah, yeah, im almost ready." "Ok then, I'll uh, see you later!" "Ok, bye!" A faint bye was heard on his end, before the end tone was played. Tonight the guys were coming over to my house, and staying for a few nights. I really wanna ask him out, cuz i mean, im damn sure i like him, alot, probably too much then a normal person, but shh.

Hosuh Pov

Stephen was knocking on the door, and Daniel is currently trying to distract me. They're both in on my plan to ask YN out tonight. Theyre gonna come up with some excuse to leave after i say something, I'll spring the question, and pray to every god that they say yes. "Earth to Hosuh!" I look up and ses YN has answered the door, and i had obviously zoned out. "O-oh, uh, Hey YN:))"
They gave me a weird look, a nod, then waved for us to come in. I can already feel my face heating up, as i attempt to hide behind daniel as we make our way over to the couch.

YN Pov

I look over to see the guys following behing me, and Hosuh looks like hes trying to avoid me? 'God, i hope he doesnt hate me...' i think to myself, almost tripping over while ruining my thinking process. "Ok so, you guys can take a seat, and I'll go grab some drinks? Make yourself at home, explore, whatever you need to do." Stephen nodded and slumped down into the couch, Daniel walked over to where the TV remote layed, and Hosuh sort of stood there, again, making sure he wasnt looking at me at all.

In the kitchen, i didnt really have much besides Lemonade, (change it to some other drink if you'd like) so i poured 4 glasses, and attempted to go waiter/waitress style with the glasses, but Fast Food shops and Animation 24/7 doesnt prepare you for this stuff. 'Maybe one of them could help, like Hosuh, see if i can get him to stop ignoring me.' I walked over to the door, lookinf out to the Living room, seeing what they were doing. "Hey Hosuh, could you come help md for a sec?" I called out, he stopped for a split seccond, before looking towards Daniel, recieving a nod, then standing up towards me. 'I wonder what hes up to.' Hosuh walked into the kitchen without sparing a glance in my direction, grabbing 2 glasses, and making a break for the door. I move infront of him, being only inches from his face, my heart races, and both our faces go red. 'Its now or never.' I tell myself. "Hosuh." "Y-yeah?" I take a deep breath before continuing. "Look, i dont know why your ignoring me, whether its something i said or did, i dont know, but, what i wanna say is that, i, um, i sort of like you. I mean, if you dont like me like thats its ok, i dont want this to be awkward, i jus-"  he engulfed me in a hug, spilling a bit of (drink) on me in the process, but still, stopping me from talking. All i could hear was my heart racing. "YN, i-i like you too. I was planning on telling you soon, but i guess you beat me to it. Im sorry for ignoring you before, i was just stressed." He moved away from you, his face red, but a goofy smile filled his face.

"I-i love you."

Wow, 800+ words for my first oneshot. I wonder it it was any good. I had planned it a little bit diferently, but wattpad crashed, and i had to re write tons. I also wanted to get the first chapter out asap, and since its 1am, and i gotta wake up in 5 hours, so i was a bit rushed. Anyways, lemme know if you enjoyed by hitting the star button below if you wanna. If theres anything you wanna see next, just tell me. Ok bye.

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