Daniel/Reader | Collab?

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Art stolen from my art ig @ _.taspooky._ ;))

YN Pov

"And.... Done!" My video was uploaded, finally. The nearly dead phone started going off with twitter notifications. "Ugh, im too tired for this." Picking up the phone, i see a certain message notification. Its that youtube group. 'I wonder what they want?' A single click later the message was laid out infront of me, and was addressed from Daniel? The one thing that stood out was the word Collab. "Hmm, i havent done one in ages, but maybe," I started typing a reply.


As i walked around the house, i started thinking about what we were gonna do. What if i dont have much to say on said topic? That'd be really awkward. Maybe i should just go sit down, yeah, that'll calm me down. As i sunk into the sofa, a single buzz alerted me of a message. Having a look, it was Daniel and Stephen. They added me to a Groupchat, im presuming its were they organise and record. 'Ping!' I was summoned.
(Psa i have 0 idea what there discord IDs are, im way to awkward to join so :/)
Daniel: O h, Hey Yn.
Stephen: Sup :))
YN: Heyo!!
Daniel: Hosuh is feeling a bit, off? So we decided to go ahead and set up, maybe record.
Stephen: What he said...
YN: Oohmkmk. Also i guess this is a proper introduction \__('-')__/
Stephen: I guess it is :ok_hand:
*Daniel starts a call*


"That was, really fun guys." "Preach!" "Thats because Hosuh isnt here >:)"
":0" "Stephen!" "Im kidding, im kidding"
We kept joking around for a while, before Stephen had to go out. "Cya-" *Stephen leaves* "-Loser" Daniel burst out laughing (what a shocker) Daniel finally quiets down. "So," Daniels breaks the silence. "Hmm?" He kept restarting his sentance. I couldnt help but chuckle a lil. "Oh hecc, your cute like that." ... Silence again. What the hell did i just say?! "Shoot, um, i-" i can feel my face turning redder by the second. Daniel again, had a little laugh of his own, and said his goodbyes. Once we hung up, i mentally started kicking myself. "Stupid." "idiot." "Whats he gonna think of me now, stupid brain!"

Daniel Pov

Once we hung up, i just sat there. Did she actually call me, cute? Does she like me?
My stomach went fuzzy, and i could feel the heat coming off my face. Should i of said something else?

Time skip (a few days later)

YN Pov

"I wonder what the guys are up to? I should probably talk to them again. Yeah, I'll do that." I walked over to my bed, ploping down, and opening discord on my phone. Hosuh noticed my presence almost immediately, and voice called me. I thought i heard a familiar voice in the background, but ignored it. "So, how have you guys been?" I was curious, especially since i, well, excepted the fact that i may, or may not, have a teeny tiny crush on Daniel. "Oh yeah, we've been good, Daniel especially." I could pratically hear his smirk through the phone, but before i could question what he meant, i heard the voice again, this time shouting. Hosuh was laughing, and the voice got louder. It was Daniel.

"What does that mean dude?! Why'd you say that?!" The boys bickered for a few seconds, before i cleared my throat. As funny as this was, i wanted to get this chat over with. The boys went quiet, so i started speaking. "Ok ok, so, first off, stop arguing please?" Silence. "And secondly, why?" "Why? Why what?" Hosuh asked, genuinely confused. Daniel stayed quiet. "Why did you embarass poor Danny?" Hosuh chuckled. Daniel left, you could hear his footsteps disapear. You had mentioned you may have slight feelings for Daniel to Hosuh before, so he was in on your plan to ask hime out, eventually. He kept reasurring you that he liked you too. "Maybe I'll tell him later? If he doesnt like me like that, atleast we'll still be friends, i hope."

Timeskip (few hours later)

YN: Daniel, why arent you answereing? Are you awake? Im not trying to be rude or annoying, i just wanna talk bout smthn.

*Daniel is online*

Daniel: Whats up?
'Here goes nothing.'

Daniel Pov

Minutes later the typing bubbles disapeared, followed by a big paragraph. YN: First off, i wanna apologise if i embarassed you the other day. What i said slipped out, i mean, maybe i was thinking that but thats not important. I kinda just wanted to get this off my chest, mainly because i just feel trapped with this thought. I guess i uh, like you? I mean, ita sounds weirder on here, and i get it if you dont wanna talk after this...'

Wait, she likes me? I-sh-
I stared at the message for a moment before replying.

Daniel: No, its okay. I, uh, kinda like you too... :D

Minutes passed and YN still hadnt replied back. My heart was pounding. 'What if she was joking?' It fwlt like hours had passed before my phone pinged.

YN: Wait, srsly?? I thought for a minute our friendship was over. :)) Does that kinda make us a 'thing' or??

Daniel: I guess so?

YN: 💕ily

Daniel: heh, love you too.

Wow that was crappy, sorry. Also wow people are actually reading this. Hello! Sorry if i dont reply much, I'll try, but im usually on my main so yeah. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this thing. Also, should i put songs above?

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