Planets {4}

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'dum dum dum didi dum dum dum didi didi dum dum. The course rang out as little cupcakes started marching out into a green field, little spears, swords, shields, bows and arrows in their hands, their little legs marched on. Dee dee de dum. Dee dee de dum. Dum dum dee dee de. The course of another army rang out loud and clear, little glass cups full of orange juice marched towards the cupcakes with the same sort of weaponry in there small arms. They started the battle, icing and juice going everywhere and staining the white platform. The space cleared a little and i could see the sky planets were visible through the dark sky shining brighter than the stars. A huge explosion erupted in the sky and someone started to fall, their body tumbled down to the earth over and over again never stopping. They flipped one last time and was about to hit the ground hard and on their back, but somehow the person managed to turn and land on his feet with out making a noise, he walked through the battle field of cupcakes and orange juice his face slowly becoming visible, i felt a tug and started walking towards him, it hurt me to be so far away when we reached the centre i stared up into Jace's eyes, he leaned down and kissed me but i didn't know what to do i just stood there, then there was an ear-splitting crack and we both looked behind me to see an army of angles standing there with deadly looks on their faces, swords hanging in their hands but still deadly the one leading them stepped forward and swept his hand to the side Jace flew away from me and into an invisible wall, he crashed to the ground with his eyes closed and blood pouring out of the side of his head. I stood straighter and stared the angles straight in the eyes, my mother and brother stood behind them with wings just like everyone else, only theirs were black. Pure black.

Taking a deep breath i looked down at what i was wearing, a pair of faded blue jeans, a bright blue shirt that came just below my belly button, my cowboy boots and i could feel my cowboy hat on my head and a sword strapped to my back, i reached behind my self and pulled it out, i tilted my chin up, cocked my head to the side and stared at the leader.

"whats your name angel?" i shouted at him

"Gabriel. And this is my arm, we are here to... dispose of you" the angle had blonde hair that hung in his green eyes, his voice was warm and anybody would die to trust him or even met him. Stupid Arch angels .

"hmm... is that so? Well good luck. After all Lucifer is stronger than you " the angel lunged at me his sword flying with perfect grace i tipped my hat back and looked up, his sword was about to hit me as his wings beat keeping him up i ducked out of the reach of the sword and cut Gabriel's wings off, he howled in pain and crumpled to his knees for 10seconds before turning around and lunging at me more clumsily, i knocked his sword out of his hands and plunged the blade into his chest i could feel his heart stop beating at blood dripped down onto my hands. I pulled the sword out, let him fall to the ground and stared at the other angels.

I felt someone shacking me and opened my eyes. All i could see was the ice blue eyes of Jace worry and stress danced through them. His hands were warm on my shoulder and there was a steady beeping noise somewhere behind him.

"where am i?" I asked him looking around

"your in a hospital, you took a far beating and don't forget you broke his ribs and his jaw" he said it like I should have known. Slowly it came back to me and I felt all wrong. I shook my head and sat up Jace let me and sat back down on a seat beside my bed, tubes were stuck in my wrists and arms. I sighed and looked down at what i was wearing. Someone had bought me my pjs and changed me but i didn't have time to worry about who did it. i pulled all of the needles out of my arms, i unclipped the pinkie thing from my finger and rolled my neck. Jace was yelling at me to stop what i was doing and he had got the attention of nurses and doctors who came running in trying to tell me to go back to the bed and that i wasn't well enough one of the doctors grabbed my arm and pulled me back, i spun around and stared at his hand

"let me go right now. I know what is god damn best for me, and that is not being here. Now let go" i growled i must have sounded dangerous because he did as i asked. I walked out and stalked down the hall towards the excite. Adian was leaning against the wall and instantly followed me as I walked past him.

I got to the parking lot my bare feet slapping against the hard concert ground the sky outside was dark and black i took it all in and breathed in the air of the night the wind picked up and slapped against my legs.

"ROSE" Jace shouted i turned around to face him

"WHAT?" I shouted back at him, wishing that i could hid from him.

Aiden stood beside me staring at his brother

"what are you doing you cant be out here in the rain. You'll get sick" his voice was caring and sounded nice. But i didn't care. I didn't want to hurt him but i knew i had to. Everyone i got close to always got hurt and i didn't want him to get hurt as well.

"why do you care?" i whispered not wanting to know the answer

"because your my mate and i love you" he said back i looked up into his eyes and shook my head.

"you don't know me. You cant possibly love me. And even if you do i don't love you back" i saw Aiden cringe before he took his jacket it off and put it over my shoulders. I turned and walked away, with every step i had to fight the urge to run and throw myself into Jace's arms and beg him to forgive me. But i knew that i couldn't.

"Jace. Let her go" i heard Aiden say before he was beside me again we walked threw the forest in silence the rain pelting down on us and soaking us to the bone.

After hours of walking we made it to the country road behind my house. Jumping the fence i walked in the back door. Mum and Alex were sitting at the table with one of Alex's girlfriends. They were eating a pretty good looking dinner and suddenly i felt really hungry. All three of them stopped eating to stare at me and Aiden.

"how long have i been in the hospital?" i asked taking his jacket off.

"hmm 2 days" he sounded so casual like nothing was wrong.

"and who are you?" my mum asked Aiden flirtatiously.

"I'm married and have 2 kids so no. I'm Aiden" he replied keeping his tone even and giving my mum his don't mess with me look. Mum looked taken back an sat back down in shock.

"your that chick who broke that guys jaw and his ribs" Alex's current girlfriend sounded very freaked out. I nodded my head not happy with what i had done.

" don't worry babe he's fine. Having a lot of trouble breathing but fine" Aiden slide up onto the bench like he did when he used to come over for dinner.

"I'm not cooking for you" i told him rummaging through the fridge looking for something to eat.

"what why?" he sounded so offended that it was kinda funny.

"cause i feel like pizza" i grabbed a couple bottles of water and sat on the bench as well. Aiden being Aiden shrugged and ordered Pizza.

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