Not in That Way (2)

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As always, pardon my english *crossed finger*


I mean, at the end of the day, what the hell does it matter who I end up with if it can't be you? – Tabitha Suzuma , Forbidden -


"I'm the King! I could decide whoever I want to marry to! And this is an order!"
An angry King Kongpob Sutiluck is the worst. He didn't understand why he can't simply marry the person he loved. He's a King, for fuck sake!

"Because you're the King, you can't do as you please. King must follow the Kingdom's rules, Your Majesty."

"Then I simply refuse this King position. You can find another King to be your puppet."

"Are you would sacrifice the whole Kingdom and your peoples just because your stubbornness, Your Majesty? And your father's last will?"

The 78 years old Khun Teerapath, his father most trusted Royal Advisor, bow and kneel in front of him, as if he proved his loyalty yet all he ever done is against Kongpob's will.

This old man really teased his patience. If only he could get rid of him, but that's not the best way of solved this kind of problem. Kongpob respect the elders as he was still too young to be a King.

He barely made a good Prince when he's father die because of sick and he had to take the King position as he was the only child of the King with his Queen. He's father, as a King, had many mistresses and they had a child too, but Kongpob is the only Queen's child so he had the right one.

He really needs to come back to his room as soon as possible, his lover was sick since a few days back and he need to take care of him.

"I never said that you have to leave that man. You can have him at your room only. But a great King need a Queen by his side to..."

"He can be my Queen."

"... by his side to support him and to give him the heir. Is your man capable to do that, Your Majesty?"

"I don't care about the heir. I don't need any heir at all."

"You don't need it but the Kingdom does."

Kongpob knew it well without this old man had to brag it up. But he just can't betray his lover just for a Kingdom's sake.

"Let's talk again next time. I need to go back to my room. You may leave now."

Kongpob was about to stand up and walk away when the old man opened his mouth.

"I don't think you have to think about that again, Your Majesty. It's already set up. And it's for your lover's sake too. You don't want him remind sick, don't you?"

That's it. That is all he needed to take away his patience. He grabbed that old man by the collar, didn't give a fuck who was he or how old he was.

"I knew it you must have to relate to this case. I warn you old man, leave him alone or maybe you will take his place at the grave!"

Khun Teerapart keep his calmness.

"You might kill me but he's still not saved. The other will come to him."

"And I would get rid of them too."

"You would get rid of the entire Kingdom then."

Kongpob gritted his teeth as he tried to calm his mind, not doing anything that he could regret it later. He pushed that old man harshly as he walked away to his room.

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