Chapter Two- Pink & Black

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The cutesy pajamas that William wears ^ :p

William's POV

I tug on a pair of pink and black striped pajamas, buttoning up the silk shirt with a weak hand.

I stare down at the fragile sticks I used to call my legs; a slight frown on my puffy face.

I trace the faint hairs that have gathered, hating the rough texture on the pads of my fingers.

I really want to shave.

Admittedly, I have a quite feminine personality- from my clothing choices down to the state of my body.

My father hates it; he says that I should "man up" and "stop acting like a girl". He tries to get me into sports- basketball and football- with little success.

Well, at least he used to.

I suppose he was right though. I do act like a girl; there's nothing wrong with that, it's just me.

Speaking of girls, I hear the stomping of my sister's footsteps echoing up the stairs.

There's a knock on the door; I glance at the clock,


I frown, I'm not scheduled a meal right now.

"Come in" I call, a bit confused.

Megan enters with a chuckle, a bright beam on her face.

"Good afternoon!" She giggles, the happy mood bursting from her in waves.

"Hi" I answer, the confusion highly evident in my croaky voice.

"I got the job I wanted, with Spencer and Freddie and- ooh- even Oscar got in!"

I smile back, albeit weakly, and pitifully attempt to cheer.

Instead I ended up coughing, my throat tensing up significantly.

My sister is quite...unique. All her friends are boys, which earns her a few choice words from people at school.

I don't know why she has no girl friends, she says something about them scaring her; she can't socialise properly with them- I still don't understand it.

Spencer is her best friend, whilst Freddie and Oscar are her close friends. I have no idea how many other friends she has; I certainly don't remember names.

"And guess what!" Megan exclaims.

"What?" My responses are pitiful compared to her enthusiasm but I cannot will myself to be any different.

"They're all coming round tomorrow for lunch!" She exclaims, blatant excitement on her face.

This captures my attention immediately.

Freddie's never been round to our house before, I've never even met the guy! He's relatively new to their friendship group, since he moved schools a few months ago.

I wonder what he looks like; Megan's shown me a few pictures but pictures can be deceitful. And with pictures like those, I sure hope they aren't-

"Dinner's gonna be a bit later tonight- mum's working overtime" Megan informs me, a slight grimace on her face.

I nod my head hesitantly, the disruption of my time table effecting me more than I let on.

Why's mum working overtime?

The answer hits me immediately.

Her and dad having been having frequent arguments lately- about how to 'heal me'. Mum assures him that rest and food is all I need, whilst dad is leaning towards a more physical approach.

Megan's heard them too, though she tries to convince me that it's normal; that it's not my fault.

I know it is.

Megan smiles at me, one last time, and leaves the room- after plonking a huge chocolate bar on my lap.

I chuckle slightly, eyeing the milky treat in delight.

It's her way of saying sorry.

I snap off a line, placing the rest in my drawer for later, and munch on it- before slowly feeling my eyes close.


I'm in a beautiful field of daisies, the small flowers creating a gorgeous scent.

I settle down in the soft grass, grasping at the ground and breathing in the smell of fresh air.

I close my eyes, taking in the subtle sound of the breeze, and the tweeting of the birds.

I wish that I could dream forever.


Another, relatively average chapter- drama is coming soon so don't worry!

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Another, relatively average chapter- drama is coming soon so don't worry!

Do you think Freddie will be the man for William, or perhaps Spencer or Oscar? *wiggles eyebrows*

Do you think Freddie will be the man for William, or perhaps Spencer or Oscar? *wiggles eyebrows*

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter; I wrote it to procrastinate revising for Biology.

Have a good day/night,
El x

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