Chapter 1: Watching You..

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      "Nuuuuughh..." Y/N groans as she rolls over in her bed. "I...honestly don't wanna get up..maybe skipping one day of school would be alright?" She giggled to herself. After about 5 minutes she forces herself to get up and get dressed.

She really wasn't feeling for school today. It was Monday and who likes Mondays right? "Annnnnnd..done!" Y/N cheered and spun in front of her mirror.

She got dressed quite quickly so she had a few extra minutes, she peeked out the window and watched the sun blind her eyes. After a few curse words she rubbed her eyes and regained her vision. "Whoa what the....?" Her head tilted as she saw a shadow looking figure behind a tree. A smile made its way on her face and she waved. The figure simply realized they were caught and hid fully behind the tree.

"Geezz there they go again watchin' me and what not." After shaking her head she headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

      "Dad I'm heading out! See you later!" Y/N was an only child and didn't have a mother currently, her death still breaks her heart but she must remain strong.

"Be safe! Also tell Laurie I said hi!" She rolled her eyes. "Geez you two think I'm your messenger or something? I feel like you two have a secret love going on." You joked.

"Oh be real, I just wanna seem nice to your friends."

"Seem dad seem but they don't know your evil side.." Y/N slowly creepd up behind him. "What evil side? The most I do is ground you and you just sneak out your window. Yes, I know about that."

"I mean evil as in.....BOO!" She screamed making him jump and hold his heart. "JESUS DONT DO THAT YOU KNOW IM OLD!!"

"You're not old dad, your body is better than mine and I'm years younger than you." She paused. " KNOW I SNEAK OUT?"

Her dad kissed her cheek handed her a bag of snacks.

"I do now, now hurry up and go to school before you're late!"

"Shit you're right! I love you! Bye!"

      "Ugghh I wanna skip today." Laurie gasped. "Skip?! What's wrong with you education is important!" Y/N flicked her forehead, obviously unphased by her worries. "Wow laurie one day is totally gonna crush my decent grades."

"You mostly have Cs and gets shocked when you get a B, though you get it because I help you! So please explain to me what decent grades are?"

"You just explained it but think of it this way, I could have all Fs but guess what, I don't!"

Laurie giggled and shook her head. "Your brain always has an answer or response to something huh? I'm actually jealous." The bell rang and Laurie grabbed all her things. She immediately headed towards the direction of her next class. While in the hallway Y/N caught up with her. "Oh come on laurie!" She cried. "I don't wanna be here or alone today!"

"You're not going to be alone if you stay in school, just suck it up besides what if someone sees us and we get in trouble?"
"We can lie and say...uh...we're homeschooled!"
"We have bookbags?"
"Shit...well dad works today and won't be home until later tonight, we can watch scaaaary movies! We can even invite your other two friends!" Laurie thought for a moment. "Come on laurie stop being such a good girl and have fun for once! You're only a teen once." Y/N said with hidden confidence. She had a strong feeling Laurie was going to give in, not because of pressure but she felt today was the Laurie was going to realize that she cares about school too much and isn't making the most of her young years.

"....fine..but how are going to leave? Security is going to question us."

"I got that covered."

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