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"Hyung wait here whilst we go get the table" Jungkook gives me a mini bow before the four disappear into the restaurant.

I honestly can't believe that boy is 23. He doesn't talk at all.

It's his birthday and the boys said 6 words to me.

I move and peer through the window.Hoseok sling shiz hand over Taehyungs shoulder as they laugh about something stupid. Jungkook looks at Hoseok with almost admiration.

Why is Hoseok always god like in these peoples eyes? Like I could take him to an anti Hoseok group and everyone would end up adoring him.

I smile to myself and turn back around, my whole body leaning against the wall as I pull my phone out.

All that's missing now is that douche bag Namjoon. I don't even know what I'm going to say to him. What if he tries to beat me up? I don't even know if I'd win. And it's that boys birthday- I don't want to ruin his birthday because that idiot hates me.

A wave of anxiety sweeps through me as I speculate what could possibly happen.

And then I hear him.

"What the fuck" I look up from my phone to across the pathway.

Kim Namjoon- here goes nothing.

"Hey there stranger- you here for Jimins birthday bash?" I take a step forward off the wall and slip my phone in my pocket, my hand shaking ever so slightly.

"What are you doing here?" I squint my eyes as he steps forward- his face still in the dark light, "It's so good to see you again" A dimple filled smile is finally revealed.

I frown. That's so obviously fake.

God I hope that's fake.

"What do you mean?" I screw my face up and he laughs slightly. He steps forward and due to his height, looks down at me.

"Trust me Min Yoongi, if I could I would beat the shit out of you right here," he pauses and looks around, "It's my friends birthday, I don't want to ruin it because of your petty revenge rampage" his hand finds its way onto my shoulder. I push it off.

Maybe I shouldn't feel so bad. I study his face, pure anger and rage spill though the fake smile he tried to pull earlier. He's just a dick.

"Don't touch me- your scum" I give him the dirtiest tone and look I can muster. He scoffs.

"Where's that other boy? Your boyfriend? He not here to protect little old Yoongi" his hand returns to my shoulder, but giving me a hard shove instead.

"Unlike you I don't need a whole entourage to make me feel like I'm hard Namjoon- I'm surprised your even talking to me right now"

"If your going to hit me, just hit me- I can't be bothered with your empty threats Yoongi" he laughs and steps back, his arms crossing into eachother.

I really want to hit him now.

"Fuck off Namjoon" A pool of spit sits on the tip of my tongue, ready to be spat at any moment. He laughs again.

"Why are you even here Yoongi? You trying to hit on Jungkook now? I always new you were a desperate gay pervert" his nose scrunches up.

I spit.

It takes him a second to react but when he does, he swings to punch me. His hand hits my nose and I stumble back, blood running from my nostrils like a faucet.

"You fucking-"

I charge at him and try to tackle him, he stops me and throws me to the ground.

"Get the fuck up Yoongi, you can do better than that" he gives me one look up and down before a snigger escapes his lips.

He's too tall, I can't fight him. I want Hoseok.

Slowly I pick myself up, my hand traveling to my nose and wiping away some blood. I look down at my tshirt.

This was new.

"Your just a unsuccessfull no body Namjoon- Even if I beat you up, no one would give a shit" I chuckle.

"Go on then, beat me up- Your literally all bark and no bite- it's sad"

I swing for him again, managing to actually hit him this time. He stumbles back like I did, but this time spits something out.

"Your a piece of shit" he storms towards me and pushes me against the restaurant window, "You think your good just because you've got a few fans? You don't know shit Yoongi"

He raises his arm again to hit me but a voice breaks his concentration.

"Hyung" a voice practically screams, I look to my left and see the four boys standing completely bewildered. Jimins eyes switch between me and Namjoon in horror. Hoseoks face turns from shock to anger.
Namjoons hand release and stay high in a surrender position.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" Hoseok says pushing him away from me.

"I'm fine"my hand wipes my nose again and runs through my hair, "Everyone-I'm fine" I repeat, this time more for myself than anything else.

I look at the three younger boys and smile, "Happy birthday- I hope you have fun with your amazing hyung" I look at Namjoon, he doesn't even notice me over the testosterone filled glares bouncing from him and Hoseok.

"Hoseok- were going home" I walk past the two and down the street, Hoseok catches up with me.

We walk in silence. There's not much else to say.

"Namjoons a dick"

Nothing else apart from that.


Don't talk to me I'm emo omg I can't this chapter is a mess like omg gmgmgmgmgm

I'm having a melt down omg I actually can't rn.

I'm not from Korea and I probally won't ever go bc like I have a bajiilgodinon other countries I want to go to but if Seoul isn't played at my funeral I will come back and pERSONALLY HAUNT YOU ALL

omg I want to punch Namjoon in the face so bad I think I'm actually having a mental breakdown omg dkdkdkkslsks

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