Was this me?

497 19 2

Nicki: Safaree l have always wanted you but l have just been scared to tell you. Now untie me and lets go home. Drake l don't want talk to you ever again. (l wanted to be going home with Drake not Safaree. l wanted Drake to untie me)

l felt that my life was now at a shut down. What can l do now? Drake l need you, right now please. now i was back to stage one. What can l do all alone. Safaree untied me and took me home. the car ride in his car was werid and odd. I couldn't even look him in the eye. l just strared out the window. What was l spose to do act like my life was like the waqy it was 2 days ago? Did l really just make this choice? Was Rihanna still lying on the ground died. This has been too crazy for me to get my head around. Safaree was just smiling at me acting like he is the most perfect man on this Earth. My mind couldn't take everything.

We got home TO MY HOUSE.  We go into the house, l go striaght to my bedroom and put my spare phone that I keep just in cause l lose my other phone. The phone l had before l lost and l don't remember where l put it so l just didn't care. l put my phone on the charger, it turned on. They was so many notifications. Everyone was just saying l was missing so l went on my twitter and told everyone l was fine, l had just gone to an old friend's house . That's the lie that Safaree that told me to tell. After telling everyone l was fine, l fell asleep.

2 hours later

l woke up to see Safaree's arms around me like we are a couple. l felt so sick to even sleep next to a murder, abuser and cold hearted man. l can't believe my live had gone down the dran just like that. l tried to turn to get my phone because it was ringing. l slowly turn to get my phone from the bedside table not trying to wake up Safaree, but hell l was wrong. when l had turned he said  " what do you think your doing? Are you planing to leave you husband already Nicki?". After he had just said that  l could feel any sickier to have the thought of him being my husband. l didn't know what to do. l was in a lost world. l just got my phone and anwsered the call. lt was Lil Wayne he told me that Drake is under questioning for Rihanna's murder. At the moment l heard that l justb dropped the phone and cried. Safaree obviously had heard the whole thing because my phone is loud when it comes to the phone especially when the person is right next to you. l was so scared of Drake going down for the murder of Rihanna. Safaree cut the phone and got up and started shouting at me saying that it was all my fault. That l should be in prison for killing Rihanna and not taking responsiblity for my actings. l know he just want be to feel like it was all my fault, but l wasn't going to take it. l continued crying then he came closer to be and slaped me and shouted more walking around the room. He pulled me off the bed and dragged me on the ground. l was just so weak to do anything.

That night l slept on the floor becaus ehe had made me. And l didn't want to start a war. so i just did it. i couldn't even sleep with all the thoughts going through my mind. lt was all really too much to take in.

Will Drake go down for Rihanna's murder?

How did they get to Drake's name?

Will Nicki deal with Safaree's abusive side?

Will Safaree ever stop?



@estherking-yombo- You have been like an old sister to me. You're amazing and l hope what ever you do in life is successful. We have gone through ups and downs but we made it. You always understand me and l can tell you things that l can't tell others.  l love you best frand  x

And another big shout out to everyone who has been supporting for day 1 or now.❤

Inbox me if you want a shout out real soon.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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