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I just want to thanx all of you for reading this story it's not my first one cause I've written to before but I deleted them cause they sucked. So at first my goal was to reach the devil number 666 cause it's also a cool number in China (On media show 666) and now look I got over 1.28 k views X3 you can also read my other story
The Girl Crystallized In time I also got more stories planned out just haven't typed them out yet :3 but every time I'm ready to make it I post it on me and Kittyfluff09 YouTube channel called Ilovekittens030 now let's start the chapter!

Nashi P.O.V
After the tigers left we started the flower viewing festival immediately starting with the bingo cards
"I hope I win" I prayed "Yeah there's no way" Storm said "And why's that popsicle?" I ask "The Frenderez wins every year" He answered "Oh we'll see about that" I said cockily "Fine but if you don't get a place you have to listen to me for a the rest of the day" he said "And if I do then you listen to me for the rest of the day" I said and so the bingo game started

Guess who wins the bet?

After a few hours of Nashi raging that she lost the bet~

Storm P.O.V

"Come on pinky you lost so get up" I said she's been raging for about 2 hours now though it's not my fault she accepted the bet "WHYYYYYY Luke helllp me!" She begged Luke "Sorry but you accepted the bet" He said simply not caring "B-But" She said her face was like a kid when there parents won't buy them toys She kinda looks cute with that face What? Shut up stupid mind "Come on what do you want me to do?" She ask snapping me out of my thoughts
"Just follow me" I said leading her towards the shopping district

We stopped in front of a woman clothe store "What did you bring me here for?" She ask "Were going clothe shopping for you" I answered "But why?" She ask "You do notice that you've been wearing the same outfit since you arrived right?" I said "Yeah I'm just to lazy to wash it everyday like Luke" she answered "Now come on lets go in" I said dragging her in and let me tell you this store sure is "Distasteful!" Nashi said "What I thought you would actually like to wear something lady like for once" I said "It's not good for combat" she simply answered "My my what do we got here a lovely couple perhaps" One of the store workers said greeting us also causing us to blush "Sorry miss you got it wrong we're not a couple" Nashi said which sorta hurt my heart I don't know why

"Anyway how may I help you two today?" The lady ask "Can-" I cut Nashi off buy saying "Can you help me find her some cute clothes that most girl would like?" I ask "Sure thing" she said before going off and finding something for Nashi to wear "WHAT THE HECK!" She shouted "Hey you have to listen to what I tell you to do" I said "Fine" she huffed and the nice lady brought back a few outfits and pulled Nashi in the changing room

A few minutes later~
Still Storm P.O.V
"How long does it take for a girl to change?" I ask "It's not my fault this is so hard ugh to wear" she said behind the curtains of the changing room
"Finally done!" She said coming out wearing a pink dress that she definitely did not like to wear
"It looks cute on you" I accidentally said causing her to blush shit did I say that out loud? "Uhh I meant it suits you if you actually like wearing dresses" I said quickly "Ok for a second I though you s-" I cut her off saying she should try the next outfit

Btw this is the first outfit

Btw this is the first outfit

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Ignore the hair

"Is it gonna take this long every time you change?" I ask "No but I don't wanna wear this one" she said
"And why's that?" I ask "It's a swim suit" she said
"Sheesh did this lady pick an outfit for all occasions or what" I said "NOW COME OUT" I shouted getting impatient "Fine" She said coming out she was wearing a pink swim suit and if I looked at it for one more second I might have had a nosebleed "Does it look bad?" She ask "No now next outfit!" I shouted you know why cause I can see every guy in this store was staring at her "Fine sheesh no need to rush" she said changing again "Done" she said "What but that was way faster then last time!?" I said like how does someone change so fast "because this one is more simple but not exactly my style!" She said walking out
This is what it looks like to lazy to describe

"Is it gonna take this long every time you change?" I ask "No but I don't wanna wear this one" she said "And why's that?" I ask "It's a swim suit" she said "Sheesh did this lady pick an outfit for all occasions or what" I said "NOW COME OUT" I sho...

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"So how does it look?" She ask "It looks perfect!" Is said dragging her to the cash register "Don't worry it's on me" I said to her "Bu-" I cut her off "Remember you have to listen to me" I said
"Thank you" She said "Wait you said thank you? ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!" I joked "Shut up ice princess!" She said pouting "Ok ok" I said chuckling "Ahem QUIT YOUR FLIRTING AND PAY!" The cashier said "Ok" I said paying and we walked out of the store

"What do you want to do now?" She ask "Let's go eat something before the rainbow cherry blossom blossoms" I suggested "Yeah let's go!" She said running ahead of me this time

After eating~
Nashi P.O.V

"I'm stuffed so where are we going now?" I ask "To watch the rainbow cherry blossom" he said pulling me the wrong direction "Wait this is the wrong direction!" I said "Just you watch" he said dragging me to a cliff "Why are we here?" I ask "Look!" He pointed what I saw was one of the most amazing thing ever the rainbow cherry blossom is streaming down the river once again "You did this?" I ask
"Yup!" He said "Aren't you going to get in trouble?" I ask "Nahh as long as gramp doesn't find out" Storm said remembering Dragneel's punishment "Anyway it's getting late let's go now" he said walking back to the guild with me This is really a night to remember............

There new Chappy did you enjoy it hopefully you did Now bye people! :3

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