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This is just for me to take some things off my mind. I don't think imma publish this.. But I must've if you're reading this right now.

I just don't care for some of the people in our generation. I don't think that we're dysfunctional. If you think about it aren't we the only generation to be free? I mean, people fought hard for the rights we have now and i don't think they really got to "live in the moment". They were busy trying to shape the future for us.

They look down at young people and wonder why on earth they're acting in this type of way. But if you think about it.. If they act out or do these type of stuff they probably just want attention.. Or they just wanna mess up their lives.

They try to put the blame on us about violence. I mean sure, I know young, innocent people are dying and suffering due to people's selfish actions these days but they're only imitating what they've seen other people do.

I'm just gonna rant 😭 I'm in my feelings right now. Damn you drake. 🎶

I've read so much stories on here and I have this idea of how falling in love is going to be, whether it's with a 'thug' or a professional worker. I think that guys expect so much from girls these days.

If yo breasts aren't at least a c or if you can't look back at your ass then they don't want you. Bruh if you ain't lightskinned and someone compliments you they say 'you're pretty for a browniee'

Fam tf is a brownie? I'm black. Idc bout the skintone. All i know is that I originate from Africa and I'm proud of that. 😋


If a guy sleeps around he's respected. If a girl sleeps around she's a hoe, sket, skank, thot. 😂 it's her life. Not yours.

And these wanna be urban rappers rapping bout the 'streets'.. I cringe at them. I don't think that they realise that the dream is to get AWAY from the streets. Not be called by your tag name throughout your life. Grow up. 17 and rapping bout you just finished messing with a chick? Really 😩

🐸☕️ 😂


Let's talk about school 👀

Childish drama. The food ain't even seasoned properly 😂. And these teachers have no respect.

It's like they've given up on our generation already. Why do they keep changing the marking scheme and then getting all worked up about how we haven't done enough 👊 get bopped.

I swear, teachers can get away with calling you stupid and what not, coming at you sideways (this is coming from experience) and then when they write you up they claim that you were 'disrupting the class' and 'talking back' um. You asked me a question best believe I'mma answer it.

Me & teachers don't get along. I slick think that I have anger issues 😂. I get worked up so quick 😒

Nah but I like school. It's a great place when I'm with my friends. The work is cool, don't really have problems. But the younger years right now 😳😴👊

So I'm bouta go to year 11 & we're technically the eldest students in the school, minus the sixthform. And how do year 8's & 7's even have the courage to look at people sideways. Fammm. I despise them. 😒. Last year till collage tho 🎒SWAG SWAG 😂

I hate it when teachers compare me to other students 😴. Stop catching a case and continue teaching.

I hate it when they just stand there staring at the class talking bout 'i can stand here all day If I wanted to, I still get paid, you're the ones losing out' bruh,😴 stop catching a case and continue teaching.

I hate it when teachers keep the whole class waiting just because of one person's wrong doing. 😴 stop catching a case and continue teaching.

And I have this one teacher that can be talking to someone And then he just walks out the room or starts telling someone off for having their head on the table 😂 fam why you catching a case for? Continue teaching. 😫😂

Once one of my teachers was talking to a student in the class and then I turn my head to say something to my friend and then he called me a devil for 'distracting her' then when I tried to argue back he tried to lecture me about "my upbringing" like 😠 don't talk about my mummy. I'd kill for her. (Most of the time) 😂

I want some feedback on how you feel, you're either right with me or get left 😂 that was corny. 🍃 mila 🍃

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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