Steve Rogers
~Bucky Barnes
~Daniel Sousa
-DanielSousaJack Thompson
~Edwin Jarvis
~Howard Stark
Howard_StarkTony Stark
~Bruce Banner
~Clint Barton
~Natasha Rominoff
~Wanda Maximoff
~Pietro Maximoff
~Peter Parker
~T'Challa Udaku
~Shuri Udaku
~Pepper Potts
~//Let me know if I missed someone. Comment to claim a spot. There can be more then one account per spot. But to claim a spot you must regularly interact with me (when you're active) by role playing with me and interacting over MB and in my book. And I ask that you please follow me. And if you want to be one of my mains, I would love to be your main Peggy 😊