Chapter 1 The expectation

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☀️Sunset shimmer sat silently under her bed 🛏covers watching her sun shaped alarm clock tick by. ⏰Her eyes followed the clocks arm like they we're sewed together with invisible 👀thread. Her illumines electric blue eyes widened as she continued to watch the clock. With only two minutes until seven o'clock, her first lesson at Celestia's magic school for talented unicorns 🦄would soon begin. Her excitement only grew as the clock ticked by getting ever so closer to seven. With only a few seconds to go a magical blue, almost like her eyes,👁⬅️🔷🔹🔵
leaked out of her horn and she teleported into the hallway with her brown satchel. She pulled out a notepad and pen 📒🖊with her muzzle and mumbled "Notepad check" then stuffed📝 it back into her bag🎒 and galloped down the stairway🏫.

 She pulled out a notepad and pen 📒🖊with her muzzle and mumbled "Notepad check" then stuffed📝 it back into her bag🎒 and galloped down the stairway🏫

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Sunset Shimmer was only 6 and her magical abilities were outstanding. She could already teleport, which was of the standard of a 10 year old unicorn. Celestia was so stunned by her ability that she wanted to teach sunset shimmer herself.

There sunset shimmer was first in line followed by other fillys from all over Equstria but mostly from Canterlot

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There sunset shimmer was first in line followed by other fillys from all over Equstria but mostly from Canterlot.

Princess Celestia entered the room and said in a calm but sharp voice " You were all late" sunset shimmers smile faded "SUNSET SHIMMER" Celestia raised her voice with her eyes scanning her students all shaking in fear. "Yes princess Celestia" sunset shimmer whispered her ears pointing down. Celsetia repeated herself "sunset shimmer you were the only I repeat ONLY pupil to arrive on time " her ears rose and her smile re-grew on her face.
Being a little filly she felt proud and happy when those words left the princesses mouth, it was like sweet music to her years she loved the attention😈😌😉

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