Somehow the air here feels different. Different in a good way.
It feels new.
That's what I like.
It's big here and so many new things to see.
I love the feeling when everything is new to me. Even the people are new to me. Makes me feel like I can start on a new chapter. A chapter ending but the story just have begin.
I like my new apartment, it's not too big and not to small. And it have the big balcony that I always wanted, with a view over the city life.
I fell in love with the view, just to look down on the different people who have a different story to tell.
Everything is new in the apparent, just like I wanted.
I dint take anything with me from my childhoods house. Nothing
The bed is new, I hope it don't brings the same nightmares like my old one did.
It's a big window in my room, it comes light throw it, the light makes my skin look different, my skin is pale not full of purple l, yellow and blue marks. Because the finally start to fade
I don't care if I don't know anyone here. I don't bother me at all to be Lonely, I like it, it gives me time to think .
But sometime too much loneliness can be bad for you..
RomanceMain Entry: re·cov·ery Pronunciation: \ri-ˈkə-və-rē, -ˈkəv-rē\ Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural re·cov·er·ies Date: 15th century 1 : the act, process, or an instance of recovering ; especially : an economic upturn (as after a depression)...