It's Dangerous.

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     "Taozi... can you see it?"

     Tao made small, fearful whimpering noises as he nodded shakily.

     "I...I can see it" Tao mumbled.

     As soon as he said that, it's head snapped in his direction. Tao's froze in place, pale with fear. The creature powered toward him. Baekhyun watched it walk passed him in shock. But he wasn't scared...

     He was... 


     Baekhyun whirled around and swung his arm. A blast of light shot from his hand, burning the tall creature. 

     Everyone heard it's horrid, booming roar of agony. Baekhyun had figured out his ability a while ago but never brought it up... but he was hurting the beast this time... he was stronger.

     "You.... You leave him alone... I'M THE ONE YOU WANT!!! NOT HIM!!!" Baekhyun shrieked.

     He moved his hand again and this time of light pulsated out of it, piercing through creatures chest. The creature bent back and screamed in pain.

     Everyone could see it now, or at least its shadow.   

     Baekhyun felt his energy draining as he used it. He blinked heavily and the light disappeared as Baekhyun fell to the ground. 

     Half of the boys could see the creature as it cried out and stumbled around, obviously affected by Baekhyun's light. Kyungsoo, Tao, Junmyeon, Luhan and Minseok all saw it, clear as day. 

     The creature stood back up straight and rose it's hideously long arm above it's head, swing it's sharp claws at the weak Baekhyun. 

     Minseok wasn't having it.

     Minseok sprung into action and ran to Baekhyun. He blocked him protectively and rose his arm to stop the hit. Baekhyun reopened his eyes and looked up, shocked by the sight. Minseok still his hand up, blocking him from the beast who was now completely sealed in ice. 

     "M-Minseok..." Baekhyun muttered. 

     Minseok was panting as he slowly turned and looked at Baekhyun. Baekhyun jumped up and hugged him tightly. 

     They savored the moment for quite some time before.


     *crack* *crack*


     The two boys fearfully turned back to it to see it creepily staring down at them and it's hand twisted free from the ice. 

     "YAAHHHHH" Chanyeol called "COME ON!!!"

     Baekhyun looked back at him and grabbed Minseok's hand as they took off running toward Chanyeol. Baekhyun reached out to him, letting Chanyeol take his other hand as they ran. 

     Minseok looked back at the beast seeing it catch up to them. Minseok's eyes widened as it rose its arm again. 

     And something quite unexpected happened this time.

     Kai saw what was about to happen and ran forward. He grabbed the three and with two little sparks, they were suddenly somewhere else.

     They were all back with the others. 

     Kai stood glaring at the beast as he ushered the others inside. 

     Lay, who had been thinking about this the whole time, darted to the kitchen to grab something. 

     He came back with a salt shaker. 

     "Lay what the hell are y-"

     "Yes! Baby you're a genius!" Suho beamed, cutting Sehun off.

     "He is?" Kris asked.

     Lay made a salt circle around them and set the salt shaker down. It was quite large but everyone still huddled together in the center. They held each other tighter as they heard loud thudding. The glass door eventually shattered and the creature stood, glaring at them. 

     It roared again and ran at them, swinging it's arm. It arm bounced away from them and an odd glowing barrier rippled around them. The monster roared and swung at the barrier, hitting it over and over again, but each hit was deflected like the last.

     "It's working!" Tao beamed.

     "But for how long?" Kyungsoo asked worriedly, pointing at the slight tear in the force-field.

     The creature tore at the barrier, ripping it open. It swung again, hitting Tao and knocking him backwards... backwards into someone who stumbled out of the circle for the beasts delight. The being jumped over the barrier, it's razor sharp claws going so far through the person that they hit floor beneath them.


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