How to Find your Balmera

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One of the pods opened and Coran was the first to the medical bay to help whoever had awoken first. Everyone else was asleep. 'Thank you, Coran,' [Y/n] says softly. He helped her to regain her energy with food. 'Can you tell me about what happened? How did you end up on Earth?' Coran says. She gives him a sad look. 'I guess... I can tell you, but you can't tell Keith or Allura, they'd both probably hate me,' Coran gives her a soft but confused look, edging her to continue.

So, she does. [Y/n] explains how Krolia landed on Earth searching for the blue lion and making it her mission to protect it with Keith's father. She told him about the pair giving birth to Keith and naming him. She told him about the Galran soldiers that attempted to steal the blue lion and that Krolia left to protect Keith, making it her mission to watch over him. She explained their positions in the Blade of Mamora. And she told him of the destruction of her planet.

Coran was in shock. 'K-Keith's half-?' [Y/n] nodded solemnly, 'That's why we can't tell him, or Allura, she'd hate him and me, plus he'd probably hate me as well, he probably already hates me for keeping this a secret for so long,'

'I wouldn't be so sure,' She tenses and Shiro walks in and takes a seat at the table opposite Coran with her at the head. 'How long where you listening?' she asks shakily. 'I heard everything and I can see where you're coming from, but you'll have to tell Keith eventually,' Shiro says softly. 'Yeah... I know, just please can you two keep it a secret?' Coran and Shiro look at each other, then smile softly at her. 'Of course,' 'Absolutely,'

'I can't tell if he looks healthy or not,' Hunk murmurs as the group except for Coran, Shiro and [Y/n] press up close to the pod Lance was healing in. 'I think he's breathing weird...' Pidge murmurs. 'Oh! C'mon!' Keith goes to open it. 'Not yet! Just a few more ticks,' Allura scolds, slapping his hand away. 'How much better do you think he's gonna get if a few more ticks?' Keith snaps. [Y/n] was playing boreally with the earrings Allura gave her, they acted similarly to her own, allowing contact between the ship and paladins.

'What exactly is a tick?' Pidge asks. 'Oh, y'know... a time slice,' Allura replies. 'Y'mean like a second?' Shiro asks. 'What is a... second?' Allura asks. 'Like this,' Pidge says, holding up an orange device that started counting down in seconds. 'I'm not sure, I think ticks are bigger, Coran, do you have a ticker?' Allura asks.

'Right here princess!' he says, holding one up. 'I think ticks are a little slower,' Hunk murmurs. 'I can't tell, we have to start them at the same time,' Pidge says. 'Okay, ready? Go!' they started at the same time. 'Yes, I think we're winning!' Hunk beams. 'Winning what? The intergalactic time measuring competition?' Keith asks. 'Yes!' Hunk growls. 'You guys havin' a clock party?' Lance asks shakily, the much shorter figure of [Y/n] being his only support. 'Augh, Lance you just ruined it, hey LANCE!' Hunk hugs him, probably crushing a few bones.

'What happened?' Lance asks as Hunk puts him down. 'We can tell you all about once you get something to eat, can you walk?' Allura asks as [Y/n] steps off to the side. 'Talking? Eating? Are you asking me out on a date?' Lance asks with a smirk. Hunk sighs, [Y/n] snickers and Allura growls.

'Yep, he's okay,' Shiro

'There he is,' Pidge

'Classic,' Keith

'You'd be Sendak's prisoner right now if it wasn't for Pidge,' Allura says. 'Well, you wouldn't have survived the explosion if Hunk and Coran hadn't gotten a new crystal and [Y/n] was there too, she was in wolf form, but still,' Pidge says as Lance feeds the mice. [Y/n] shrugs. 'I still can't believe you're an intergalactic-cosmic-space-werewolf-thing,' Lance says. She shrugs again as Lance turns to the others. 'Wow, thanks everybody, sounds like the mice did more than you though,' He adds smugly, looking Keith in the eye.

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