Mishap In Neverland

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Far Far away,
In a dark, mystique land called Neverland
Lived a young egoistic boy,
By the name of Peter Pan.

And with him resided The Lost Boys, John, Michael and Wendy,
Who were not really that trendy.
Like the tiny beautiful pixie,
Named Tinkerbell, but everyone lovingly called her Trixie.

Cause she was kind and sweet,
And everybody was always so pleased.
Unlike Miss Wendy who was a devious, little bully,
And by whom The Lost Boys constantly got teased.

Miss Wendy was a jealous brat,
She used to envy Trixie's beautiful, lustrous wings.
And how she wished she had them for her own,
So she could fly to the Colorado Springs.

Therefore she devised a plan,
And called the spirit from the Mermaid Clan.
Who told her to sacrifice that obnoxious Peter,
Then give him to the mermaids to be used as a teether.

Wendy's evil mind started to work,
Who contacted Captain Hook and they shook hands.
A trap was set to eradicate Peter Pan,
By putting up a fake battle scene in the waters of the badlands.

Wendy was tied up,
While a phone call was made to Pan,
That his dear Wendy Darling,
Was about to be hanged.

As soon as Peter reached the spot,
Captain Hook attacked,
The dissonant sound of the swords,
Made Tick-Tock the crocodile go mad.

Hook indicated Wendy,
To go and walk the plank.
Reaching the edge of the wooden board,
In the sea her fake tears sank.

“Save me, dear Pan.
From this cruel pirate man.
He wants to kill me and wreck your life,
Then send all of you into exile.”

Peter dived to save her,
While she prepared to jump,
As he reached the Darling's daughter,
She pushed him into the water with a thump.

With this Peter was sacrificed,
According to the spirit's order.
And Trixie's lustre wings,
Were about to be under Wendy's borders.

‘Arrrrg, Hurray!!’ the pirates shouted,
All of them looking at each other in glee.
And she was made their leader,
By Hook's sidekick Mr Smee.

But the story doesn't end here,
As a female came to the scene.
The bold and fierce girl,
Who had brought with herself, a pixie friend.

The girl and the pixie worked magic,
And picked up poor Wendy Darling.
Then threw her into the sea,
Where Tick-Tock was waiting for his breakfast in the morning.

Seeing this, The pirates became scared,
They sailed their ship on a different way,
As they did not want to encounter,
Tiger Lily who had saved the day.



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