Chapter 1

55 2 1

Jazmine p.o.v

so were live in miami but we are moving to california cause my mama doctor job is sending her there.

5 hours later we are finally here i was tierd we got to the house i think im finna k,o for the night its 10 p.;m

next morning

I went and took a shower i washed my hair i left it curly i put some mousse in it to tame it . i put on my black bra and pantie set then i put on aztec print high waisted shorts with an black tank top i put on and black belt .i did my make up with dark red lipstick. i grape my all white i phon 4s with gold outline i put on my gold chain with my diamond big studs with my gold rolex. i walked down stairs to see mama cooking pancakes, french toas,t eggs, and grits .

Me- goodmorning mama

mama-hey baby(kissing my cheeks)

me-where dady at

mama- the trap house (setting out plates)

we sat down and ate it was 7:20 a.m

me- see yo later ma love you

mama-you to baby

i grab my key to my all white range rover with gold rims i put in the directions to the school i pulled up at the school at 7:45 iparked i looked in the mirrow i put on some more lip stick i grabed my phone and money and purse ,and binder i walked in to the school and wallked in the office and got my schdule for my classes i found my locker i put my purse in there . i walk to room 209 which is history my 1st period class i walked in everybody was staring at me

to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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