Weird place to meet? Don't you think? Chapter,1

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To me... Screams are normal in my house... People come and never go. It's normal..

I open my white door that has blood all over it, too see a dead body on the floor.

" Again.. I'm not cleaning it... " I say walking past the dead body on the floor.

" Ye, You are, I'm not. " My brother said holding a heart in his hand; A human heart.

" You going to sell that? On the black market? " I ask going to the kitchen that's full of blood and guts.

" Ye, You want a taste? " My brother asks me holding the raw heart to my face.

" No. Get it away from me, You know how I feel about this Shit. " I say walking away to the only clean room, The Weapons room.

" Good morning Honey! " My dad says hugging me.

" Don't touch me Dad. " I say pushing him away.

" Sorry I forgot!! " My dad says smiling.

" Who left the body in front of MY door? " I asked annoyed.

" Your mother. " My father says smiling.

" Where is she?.." I asked coldly.

" In the bathroom. " My father said pointing to the bathroom.

I walk to the bathroom to see my mom full of blood.

" Ya Okay? "I ask my mom.

" Ya its just a cut I'll be fine. " My mom says smiling.

" How did you sleep? " My mom asked.

" Slept good. You? " I asked my mom.

" Just swell Thank you. " My mother said.

I grab a top and head to the door.

" I'm going to school, Cya. " I say opening the door and walking to school.

I get to school and I put my stuff away in my lockers.

" Hey sexy " James says. - James is my ex. That is a player. -

" Go away. " I say walking past him.

" Oh come on Lilyanna, don't be that way... " James says grabbing my wrist.

" Don't touch me James! " I say slapping his hand away.

" Jesus okay! " James says backing away.

I walk to my class and sit at the back.

I take out my books and start to read.

" Hello Miss Etheridge, How was your morning? " Mir Scott asks unpacking his bag.

" It was good, Yours? " I ask looking at him unpack.

" Could be better, Thank you for asking. " Mir Scott says.

" No problem and why could it be better? Did something happen? " I ask confused.

" Kinda, " Mir Scott says sitting on his chair.

" Kinda? What do you mean Kinda? " I asked confused.

" Family issues LilyAnna, family issues. " Mir Scott says.

" Ya I understand that... " I say.

All the other kids come into the class and I shut my mouth.

" Alrighty class, Open your math books to page 146, Please. " Mir Scott says.

They all open there books to 146.

30 Minutes Later.

" Okay Kids It's lunch time! " Mir Scott says.

Everyone gets up and runs out the class.

I walk out the class giving Mir Scott a hug then going to the field.

" Oh My God! Jenna Look who we found! " Roxanne says laughing.

" Oh My God, It's LilyAnna! Haha! Lets go pay her a visit! " Jenna Says laughing with a evil look on her face.

They walk up to me and grab my book.

" What you reading! " Jenna says laughing.

" Nothing... " I say annoyed.

" Oh come Lilyanna lighten Up... " Roxanne says annoyed.

" I rather not... " I say getting up and walking away.

" Where you going bitch? " Jenna says pulling my hair making me fall.

" OW! " I say rubbing my head.

" Could you not do that? " I say annoyed.

" Nah! I'll give you a few seconds to run. " Jenna says laughing.

I get up and run to the boy's bathroom.

They chase after me while throwing things at me.

I get to the boy's bathroom and lock myself into the bathroom.


" I rather not... " I say looking around to see if I can find another way out.

I see a vent in a bathroom stall.

" Got ya. " I knock on the door and no one is in the stall.

The other stall opens and a guy comes out.

" Shit! " I say closing the door and locking my self in there.

" Hey dude have you seen Leo? I haven't seen him yet. " One of the guys asked.

I See a foot in the stall.

" The fuck-? " I say looking under the stall to see a guy with blonde hair and green eyes.

* Who's that? * I ask myself in my head.

The guys go out the bathroom and the guy next to me opens the door and walks out the stall.

" Shit.. Are they still looking for me... " The hot blondie says.

I come out the stall.

" What the fuck? Your a girl... Why are you here... " He asked me confused

" I'm hiding away from these girl's, I'm sorry I'll leave, I didn't mean to bother you... " I say walking past him.

" No It's okay... I was just confused.. I'm hiding too... " The hot Blonde says.

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