Stitch, Wrap, and Go

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Harry's POV

I was sitting in the dreary waiting room of the hospital. Liam had been in with the doctor for about 10 minutes now. All of a sudden, I heard the hospital doors open, revealing Nicole, Max, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Mia. Even during the current situation, I couldn't ignore how beautiful Mia looked.

"How is he?" Nicole asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Uh- I don't know. I haven't been told anything, but in the car his palm was bleeding a lot." I answered. I looked down at my white shirt, which had blood on it.

"Oh my god. I hope he's alright." Nicole said, as she covered her eyes with her hands and started to cry. Max tried to bring her into a hug, but she pulled away, saying that she needed to be alone. She moved over to the other side of the waiting room. Then, Mia came and sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She slowly nodded her head.

"That wasn't very convincing.." I said. Mia looked up at me and smiled. I was about to say something, when a doctor came out into the waiting room.

"Liam Payne?" the doctor asked, looking around the waiting room.

"What about him? Is he okay?" Nicole asked, jumping out of her seat and rushing over to the doctor.

"Are you family?" The man asked.

"Yes! Now tell me!" Nicole lied.

"He's going to be alright. The cut on his palm was deep, causing him to loose a lot of blood, but we caught it early." The doctor answered.

"Well when is he going to be released?" Nicole asked

"About 40 minutes. We need to stitch up his hand and wrap it, but then he is free to go." He said

"Great! Thank you, doctor!" Nicole said, before shaking his hand. He nodded, before walking back to the restricted section.


Liam's POV

The doctor walked back into my hospital room. I looked at his name tag- his name was Terry. Americans have the strangest names!

"Liam, what exactly did you cut yourself with?" He asked.

"A knife.." I answered, looking out the window.

"Was it an accident, or did you harm yourself on purpose?" Terry asked. I was quiet for a moment.

"..An accident? I mean, I was holding the knife in my hand, and I became angry.. and then.. the knife- it just..cut me." I finally answered.

"Mhmm.." Terry said. I could feel him staring at me.

"And this won't happen again, right?" Terry asked.

"Never again." I replied.

X X X (30 mins later)

After I finished signing a couple papers, I was free to go. When I walked into the waiting room, everyone rushed to me.

"Are you okay, mate?" Niall asked.

"What even happened, man?" Zayn added.

I felt like I was being attacked. They were asking me so many questions!

"Where's Nicole?" I asked, after realizing that she wasn't there.

"She went back to the hotel with Max." Louis answered. I felt anger surge through me again.

"Why?" I asked, my voice sharp.

"She couldn't handle being here...You know how hospitals freak her out. After she found out that you were going to be okay, her and Max left." Harry said.

"Does it hurt?" Mia asked me, changing the subject. I looked down at my hand. It was wrapped with a white bandage. At the moment I couldn't feel it because I had some pain killers in my system.

"It's fine" I answered. "I could really use a beer, though." I added, making everyone except Mia laugh.


Back in the penthouse that me and the boys were sharing, everyone was sitting on the couch. The boys and Mia were all giving each other odd looks, as if there was an elephant in the room.

"So.." Harry started, breaking the silence.

"Liam?" Mia asked.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"...Uh.. I don't exactly know how to ask this, but.. how did you get that cut on your hand?" She finished.

"It was an accident with a knife! I already told you guys that!" I exclaimed, defending myself.

"Mate, I think we all know that it wasn't an accident.." Zayn said.

"I'm going to bed." I said, getting up and walking into my room. I heard the boys call my name, but I ignored them.


Mia's POV

When I heard Liam's door slam, I turned to the boys.

"Okay, something is seriously wrong here." I exclaimed.

"I agree with Mia" Harry immediately said.

"Yeah.. Do you think he did it because of.." Zayn started, but stopped himself.

"Because of Nicole?" Louis finished for him. We all looked at each other with knowing glances. In our heads, we were all thinking the same thing. Liam cut himself because he was jealous of Max. He wanted Nicole back. Why else would he have cut himself right after Max kissed Nicole's cheek?

All of a sudden, We heard Liam's door open. Then, he appeared in front of us.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you guys" He started, " The real reason I cut myself is because I saw Nicole with Max and- I.. I was just so upset..." He started, before breaking down into tears. I got up and wrapped my arms around his troubled body. I was soon joined by the rest of the boys.

"Its going to be okay, man" Zayn said.

"Yeah, we'll find away to get Nicole back for you" Niall promised.


Sorry this was short! Thank you for being patient with me! I love you guys! xxx

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