Chapter Nine Last Night

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I am furious. How dare he tell all of Panem about our families. My mother must be embarrassed. So must his father. I can't help but think he just out a huge target on our backs. Through all the anger I can't help but think is it true?

I make it up to the 12th floor just before Peeta and anyone else. As soon as I see him I slam my palms into his chest pushing him into the wall knocking over an urn.

"What was that for?" he says, aghast.

"You had no right! no right to say all those things about our families." There are tears running down my face.

The elevators open again and Effie, Haymitch Cinna, and Portia walk out.

"What's going on? did you fall?" Effie says with a hint of hysteria.

"After she shoved me," says Peeta.

"Shoved him?" says Haymitch turning to me.

"This was your idea wasn't it? turning me and our families into some kind of fools in front of the entire country?"

"It was my idea. Haymitch just helped me with it." Says Peeta.

I am full out crying now.

"He helped you. Everyone out there is thinking about the estranged brother and sister. They all want to help that brother protect his little sister."

"Is it true? Are you really my brother?" I ask Peeta.

He looks at me with tears in his eyes and nods, "Yes. Yes little sister."

I quickly hug him crying and then run to my room and lock the door.

My father is not my father. The man who died in that accident the man I loved with my whole life is not my father. I try to breathe evenly but I can't.

Peetas father is my father too. I always liked Peetas father he was always nice to me. But then I'm furious at him for not helping us when my father died.

I remember all the times he watched me and checked on me. All the times he snuck me and prim cookies when his wife wasn't looking.

I know deep in my heart that peeta is telling the truth.

I can't reconcile that the man I believed to be my father wasn't.

"Katniss let me in please" say Haymitch. I don't respond.

An hour goes by and everyone tries to get me to open the door for them but I can't. I won't.

Another hour goes by and I hear another knock. "Go away Haymitch" I say.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not Haymitch then." says a voice that makes my heart beat faster.

I wipe my eyes and pull open the door. Finnick is standing there with a plate of food. I let him come in and I quickly close the door behind me.

"Are you allowed to be here?" I ask

He shrugs, "where else would I be."

"How did you...."

"Haymitch." He interrupts.

I nod.

"Where's that fire I've come to love?" he opens his arms to me.

I cross the room into him and he holds me. I start crying and he just holds me rubbing my back.

"So it's true then?" He asks, "I didn't know if it was for the show or real."

"It's true. I didn't know. I mean I knew we were related but... It all makes sense now."

He keeps holding me and I feel safe. For some reason I trust this beautiful green eyed boy.

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