Chapter 2

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I glanced at the mirror. My ears looked perfectly fine.

Except for that line of blood dripping from it...

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and back in my bed. Hokage-sama told me that I should rest. That probably meant that Inoichi-sama was coming soon. I wonder what he'll find. What if he thinks I'm  a spy or something? Will they kill me? 

I glanced at the door. Sakura was leaning against the frame waving hello. She skipped over to me and sat down at the edge of the bed.

"Hi, Tobi. How are you feeling?" she said. 

"Fine. I'm just frustrated that I can't hear." Sakura smiled and flipped her hair. I gasped. Holy crap, she actually did that. "Um," I shook my head, trying to come up with a topic, "how long have you been Tsunade-sama's apprentice?"

Her eyes widened a little bit. "How did you know that?"

I hesitated. "I.." I saw you on my computer, and sometimes I google your name becuase I'm a fanboy.  "I just guessed. I mean, since Tsunade-sama is here.."

Sakura nodded. "Oh, okay." Her cheeks are tinted a rosy red. Is she blushing? Oh, hell no. "Tobi-kun," she says. She's probably whispering, because her fist is on her cheek and she's looking down. "Do you want to go for some ramen later?" 

I almost burst out laughing. Are you serious? Sakura Haruno is asking me out? Me? I must be dreaming. I don't want to be rude, but I seriously don't want to go anyway. I think quickly. "Sakura-chan," I whisper. "Come here." I don't know what I'm thinking. Sakura shuffles closer to me; she's only a foot away from me. I grab her hand in both of mine. 


"Sakura-chan, listen, we're probably going to be on the same team. I don't want to have to risk loving you. If we get into a situation that requires one of us dying," I pause for dramatic effect, then continue, "I think it's best if we just remained friends." 

She stared at me for a while, open-mouthed. "You're right." She stands up abruptly. "I'll go get the rest of the team and we can all have ramen together! That way it won't seem like we're dating!" She punches the air, then shunshins away. 

I facepalm. She didn't get it at all.


Kakashi's POV

"Tsunade-sama, he's injured, let him rest," I tried to reason. The old lady pinched the bridge of her nose.

"No, he has chakra, and an enormous amount too. He's on your team, Kakashi. Release the boy and start training him," she said.

"What about Inoichi-sama?" I asked.

"We already evaluated him while he slept," she replied quickly. She waved a hand at me and walked away.

I shunshin'd to Tobi's room. I stopped when I heard something from inside his room. I think he's singing.

"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call maybe!" he sings in falsetto. I open the door, quietly. I stop and facepalm, because the kid's deaf. He's satnding in front of the window, his eyes closed. I slide behind him and tap his shoulder's. As he turns around, I pull down my mask and cover my ears, feigning, disgust. 

"Stop singing!" I mouth. He glares at me before pulling up my mask. My hands fall down to my  sides. I pull down my mask again and stare at him. 

"Let's go get some ramen, so you can meet the rest of the team." 

Tobi's POV

ASDFJKL!! Kakashi-sensei is so frustrating. I'm a complete fanboy for him! It's so unhealthy. Then he decides to just pop into my room whenever. It's not fair. He's my freaking idol. 

Anyway, I was released from the hospital. I thought it was really weird, cuz Inoichi-sama hasn't tested me yet. Kakashi said that they had done it while I was sleeping, so I was okay.

We walked to Ichiraku Ramen. It wasn't that awkward, but the silence and the ringing in my ears, got on my nerves. I took in the sights: the Hokage Monument, the various buildings that have faint hints of paint. I laugh, remembering all the good times and bad times that I've watched from my laptop. I don't notice that I'm crying until Kakashi stops me.

"Why are you crying?" he asks. Again, my eyes fall onto his lips. I can't help myself. I cry even more and hug the man. I have to tip toe a little to reach his height, but I'm strangely comfortable. I don't care if he doesn't embrace me back, or if he thinks I'm some creep. I'm so happy to be here, I want this to last forever.

Kakashi's strong arms wrap around my shaking body. It feels so real. I pull apart, to wipe my face, and in the bluriness of tears, I spot Naruto, Sakura, Yamato, and Sai exiting the ramen stand. 

"Oh, shit."


OMG,I finally updated. I feel so good.

Thanks for holding on (If you are). I got tired of this, but I'm going to watch some anime to get back in the mood. I've been addicted to KPOP recently. 

Follow and read my other account: silentexplosion.

That contains a big bang fanfiction, that I'm seriously into right now. Anyway, I have got to go, so... ADIOS..


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