How you met

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Jim Gordon: You just moved to Gotham. Back where you used to live you worked for the police and you were the most well-known cop in that area. You were well-known because of your bravery, toughness and fairness, you were also amazing with a gun, some of your fellow cops had suspicions that you were secretly an assassin. But a few weeks ago you got told that you were being transferred to the GCPD. You didn't mind moving, but you were going to miss a few people. It was your first day at the GCPD. The building looked really gloomy and dark, but you didn't expect much, since it was a police station. You opened the door and cautiously walked in. As you entered into the main part of the building you took in the view in front of you. Cops were everywhere holding pieces of paper, coffee, letters etc. It was crammed with people. The cops were very focused on their work and none of them noticed you. At the other end of the room you noticed a cell. Inside the cell were some very dirty, odd looking people, however much they fascinated you, you tore your eyes away from them and started to search for the commissioner's office.You found the commissioner's office and started to walk up the steps towards it. You turned around to have last one look at the busy cops before knocking on the door. Through the blinds you saw a nice looking lady nod, giving you permission to enter. As you came through the door, you noticed that there was also a man on the room, talking to the commissioner. He had a very serious face, it was expressionless, he hadn't noticed you yet. You walked further into the room. "Detective Gordon this is Officer Y/L/N" the lady at the desk announced. The man turned to face you and you could see something change in his eyes, you couldn't tell exactly what it was but it made him look at lot nicer. He held out his hand, which you politely took. His hand felt warm and strong. You both retracted your hands as he turned back to face the commissioner one more time. "I'll see what I can find on penguin" Detective Gordon announced. As he turned to leave he looked at you and spoke once more: " I hope you're a good attribute to the team Officer Y/L/N." he gave you a small smile and then finally walked out.

Jerome Valeska: You were really annoyed. You were the best assassin in Gotham and you got caught. What went wrong? You couldn't figure it out, it was bugging you. The last thing you remember is that you suddenly felt a sharp pain at the back of your head and blacked out, then you woke up in this dump...Arkham. You'd been here for a week and you had already murdered six people. All of the inmates were afraid of you and none of them dared to even look at you. You were escorted specially by several guards whenever you went anywhere. You noticed that they would never stand directly next to you, you smirked at that. Everyday was the same in Arkham, you ate the same food, read the same books, played the same games etc. It was really boring. You weren't bothered to escape, it wouldn't be hard for you, but... what's the point? Another thing that never changed was the anger inside of you, the frustration would never fade away, it was building up inside of you and became worse as each day went past. Today wasn't really different from any other day. You were in your cell when you hear a guard knock on your door loudly. "C'mon Y/L/N I'm taking you to the recreation room" he stated in a low voice. You groaned and lazily got up from your bed. You got into the room Aka cage and slumped down into a chair in a space far away from the other inmates. Suddenly the door slid open and a red-headed boy was pushed into the room. You looked up at your magazine for a split second, to look at the new prisoner and noticed that he was actually really cute." Wait! What were you saying? Shut up Y/F/N!" you thought. You looked back at your magazine trying to put your attention onto something else. You saw that he managed to make friends easily and sat down at a table with a few other men. You noticed out of the corner of your eye that he was staring at you with fascination, but you chose to ignore it. He turned back to his little 'posse' before returning his attention back onto you. A few minutes past before the red-head decided to make his way over to you. You were surprised and not really in the mood for idiots like him... no matter how handsome he was... He grabbed a chair and placed it down right in front of you, so that you were forced to look up from you magazine. He had a alluring, cheeky smile on his face. The closer he got, the more drop-dead gorgeous he became, your breath actually caught in your throat but thankfully he didn't noticed. "Hi gorgeous, I'm Jerome" he said in a chilling voice, which sent a shiver down your spine. You reluctantly snapped yourself out of your thoughts and decided to not say anything to him. "Aren't you gonna tell me your name doll?" he said with an even bigger smile on his face. He kept pushing you, trying to get you talk. "What did a pretty girl like you do to get in here?" he asked, leaning closer to you. You tried not to make eye contact with him, but you snapped "WHAT DID YOU DO TO GET IN HERE!?" you asked with an annoyed tone. You thought it was impossible but his smile became wider. Your breathing was heavy and you could here it due to the fact that room went silent after you shouted. He angled his head down, but didn't take his eyes off of you. He started to chuckle quietly before saying "I killed my mom" he replied now cackling at his statement. "That's it?" you scoffed unimpressed. His smile disappeared as you shook your head and laughed. He grabbed your throat and started to say "listen here gor-" but he was cut of by you breaking the arm that he was strangling you with. He groaned in pain, then you punched him in the face. He fell back in surprised after you punched him, but strangely as he turned back, with blood gushing out of his nose, he started to laugh. What's with this guy, why won't he just give up and find someone else to annoy?! You hated that he was laughing at your rage "You're pretty sexy when you're angry gorgeous" he said as he wiped the blood from the nose on his hand. He ran for you, but before he could hurt you, you had stepped aside, grabbed his hand to hold him in place and kicked his leg- causing it to break. He let out another groan of pain before kneeling on the floor in defeat. You leant close to his hear and said "Don't call me gorgeous" before letting him go and walking back to your seat as if nothing had happened. Some guards escorted him to the infirmary, he stared at you until you were out of sight. The room was silent and no one dared to move, you went back to reading your magazine like nothing happened. But you couldn't help but think as to why you didn't kill him, I mean it would've been easy...why didn't you?

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