My heart lead me back to you

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it was only the beginning beyond Emma’s dream being married to Regina, but in any relationship, nothing could be so perfect.
From everyone else perspective on their relationship she had a wonderful life, it was only a matter of time until they expand their family.
regina already had Henry but Emma wanted a daughter so badly that it causes them to fight often driving Henry away from home, it seems that the wound that Robin left has damage Regina's heart severely then she thought.
Emma wanted two more additions to the family because she claimed that Henry was lonely but Regina didn't want to be the one carrying a child, with Emma being in the army, she was always away from home, traveling across the globe.
She loved her job, but it seems that she’d forgotten that her family came first. when Regina hinted the fact that she takes a year off to conceive a child, she was offended and replied that Regina was selfish to hold on to her job that wasn't as important as hers.
When questions of infidelity arose, They fought regularly. they fought about how to best raise Henry, they fought about Emma quitting her job, they fought about who should be their donors, most of all they fought over how many kids they wanted.
Henry was sixteen and seeing his parents fight Constantly infuriated him, he was fuming with rage that it would take days going straight from school and he wouldn't come home  worrying his mother
“Henry where were you”
Today was another struggle, Henry was missing for two weeks now. she wished that her son would talk to her like he used to do but the rebellious teen ran past Regina nonchalantly reaching the stair
“I don't tell you how to live your life don't tell me how to run mine”
She echoed hoping to be heard, but he continued upstairs reaching his room slamming the door behind him
She echoed once again weeping
“My baby”
Henry was her heart, she's losing the best part of her life. She thought that it was a phase as all things, this too shall past but the truth was that her son hated her and her relationship with Emma the love of her life is falling apart.
running quickly to the living room seeing Emma on the sofa
“ you have to talk to him”
“Why, he hates me too”
“He hates me more”
“Well he's your son”
“What was that suppose to mean”
Emma stood up from where she was, dropping her phone on the seat
“Your son..your problem”
“Don't you go there”
Regina was stung, this hinted that she and Emma were in the midst of another argument
“Am sorry did I shudder”
Sarcastically she walked away from Regina, she was boiling but at the end, she had nothing left
“You know am too tired to fight with you”
Walking the other way from Emma, she grabbed her purse and her blouse heading for the door. Other times, she would walk away from attention where Emma would follow her, comfort her and give her anything she desired she was wrapped around her delicate fingers like a child. In her eyes, Regina could do no wrong, but this time, she grabbed her keys , with a suitcase in hand.
“Where are you going”
Emma became alarmed could it be that she was leaving her and Henry, impossible she thought.  regina was giving up today, she was walking out on Her family, Emma was freaking out because Henry wouldn't forgive her. for years now they weren't talking, he would be so devasted that he would blame her. She felt like this was her fault but she didn't know what to do as she watched Regina exited out the door
“Regina what's in the bag”
“None of your damn business”
“Regina what are you doing”
Following Regina out the door, she watched her hopped into her car ignoring her
“Regina please answer me”
She starts the car without hesitation and Emma lunches forward holding on to the door
“No, you can't”
More then a plea, her voice broke as tears threaten to escape
“Let go, Emma”
“ I cant”
“Let go please”
“what about Henry”
She reached forward yanking the door away from her, once the door was closed, she pulled down the window
“Am glad you care”
“No.. Baby…..”
Emma was a mess, she brought her hands over her head watching Regina pull away from the driveway
“Don't leave me…..”
She fell to her knees screaming unawares that Henry was watching from his window
“Don't leave us”
She screamed louder realizing that Regina wasn't coming back, a few minutes passed and she walked slowly inside.this was her last stand, she couldn't feel her legs, she was was she going to explain this to Henry, suddenly it dawned on her that she has no choice but to head for the stairs toward henry’s room
“Henry we need to talk”
She knocked on The door once
He didn't answer, so she knocked again
“Buddy am coming in”
She reached for the door but it was locked
“Hey Henry no locked doors”
He knew the rules, he was sixteen and Emma agreed with Regina that he shouldn't bring a girl home until he was eighteen, That meant that he couldn't lock the doors when he was home, they knew how tricky teenagers could be, but whenever he was fuzzing he locked them anyways.
They had different parenting styles, Emma wanted to educate henry at an early age of his sexual attribute but Regina fitted that he learned sex ed in school as long that he promises to stay safe and use protection. They were on the same page when it came to Henry's happiness Mostly, they wanted him to feel safe, so they never met henrys friend and he never introduce a girl as his girlfriend.
they respected his privacy right until now, Emma kept knocking on the door hoping that he will let her in but when he didn't, she echoed
“All right I think that’s enough am coming in”
Stepping away from the door, she took a deep breath and pushed through it with brute force.
“Step away from the door”
One time wasn't enough, she tried and tried again until she finally got through
“No locks doors”
She almost fell face first into her hardwood floors
She echoed holding to the bedsheets catching herself
“ what the hell”
Her arm landed on a hard surface, she studied the room and Henry stood by his closet smiling nervously
“What wrong with you”
She pressed onto the surface hidden under the covers
“Henry what's this”
He replied quickly and ran defensively toward the bed taking a seat
“Who’s that”
Nobody, he exclaimed
“Nobody uh”
She replied seeing that henry’s bed was stuffed unusually. if this was a game, she wanted to play Henry until he confesses the truth, after all, she was to be a cop soon and no one could lie to an authority figure such as herself. All except for Regina and Henry was her son, with those brown orbs, they could lie to her and get away with it but at the end they were family but she wanted the true at this moment
“if there isn't anyone here, I have a gun, I don't know you but I will shoot regardless“
He hasn't called her mom in years, this must be interesting. What was the hidden, he leaps atop of the bed protectively
“I will count to three then I will shoot”
“Mom stop”
She counted ignoring him
This was very real, Emma always carried her gun on safety and no one but Regina knew. She wanted to protect her family at all cost but Henry never knew when she took things too far, as she draws her weapon and pointed it out next to Henry
“Mrs. Mills”
Henry’s guess came out the cover abruptly pushing him out the way
“Don't shoot please”
Emma continuously pointed the gun at the young teenager clearly scared out of his mind
“Don't shoot please, am sorry”
“Who are you and why are you with my son”
Emma studied the fear into his eyes and realized that there was a young man with his shirt off in her house with Henry
Afraid to speak, Emma wanted to smile at his dilemma, she hid a smile walking closer to henry whispering
“How am I doing”
“hmmm. Mom”
Watching the fear in his eyes, he whispered close to her hear
“ you're scaring him”
“Yeah you’re right”
She replied with a straight face remembering that her guess hasn't answered her
“Well then speak”
“Mom the gun”
She lowered her weapon regaining her composure
“Oh well, sorry”
“ James”
She’d forgotten quickly what she’d asked him earlier, starring oddly confused
“Am James”
He repeated
“Why did you say it like that”
“like what“
“Like I know what it means”
“He’s James mom”
Henry echoed again standing next to him holding his hand between his slowly
“He's my boyfriend”
She watched him kissed James hand softly as he smiles.
this was sweet of him, he was growing up to be the man that they hoped he would be, this was the moment she dreamed of seeing Henry falling in love but  this was also too confusing for Emma, they watched silently as she placed one part of the puzzle together into when their love affair started.
“But….. wait”
they have been ready to be introduced to a girl while Henry was gay. It took a while for Emma to process this, They should have known because whenever they mention a girl, he would get uncomfortable creating dramatic gagging noise and proceed into his room. She took control of teaching him of his sexual education except that it was the wrong sex. Now she knew why her phone bill went through the roof filled with gay porn, the titles said it all, he denied that it was his, yet she ignored it and today he was coming out to her
“Boyfriend mom”
“I did this wrong”
“Mom no”
“You hate me”
“Mom no”
“So why didn't you tell us”
“Mam its really ok to accept this”
“am sorry“
“ you talk as if am not ok with this“
“Well then…..Are you”
She hugged them both placing kisses on their head
“what gives you two that idea “
“This whole did I fail hate me scenario sounded like one”
“Henry no.., we will never make you feel unloved which is why we need to talk”
“About mom”
“Oh yes sorry”
James looked to Henry for approval, he nodded yes as an answer and took him into a swift kiss.
He whispered breaking away from him shortly realizing that they weren't alone anymore.
“Eh hang on”
Emma was playing the good wife, now she was playing the cop protecting her family
“James “
Placing her arm around him, she escorted him  a few feet away from Henry
“One more thing”
They didn't get far as she whispered
“If you hurt him, that gun will be loaded…”
He looked mortified as she pats him on The back smiling at Henry
“Oh god..”
He replied pulling away from her
“ what did you do now”
Questioned henry because the look on Jame’s face gave him away, he was paralyzed with fear. henry wasn't far behind Emma as she replied
“whatever it is, Don't listen to her, “
Reassuring James
“we’ve been together for so long don't let her intimidate you ”
Henry walked closer to James Holding his hand
“Please stop mom”
He had Regina's eyes, he could feel when she was lying and when she felt uncertain in an uncomfortable situation
“I love you”
echoed James taking Emma by surprise, she smiles brightly
“I know you do but you can never be too careful eh...”
Instead of rambling on, there were other matters that needed her attention. She knew that Henry was in love and that James loved him too, there was no reason for her to overreact.
“We have to talk Henry so off you go, James”
He finally broke free from Henry descending the stairs, when he finally exit out their home, Emma didn't wait to questioned Henry
“So how often does this happened”
“I don't know what you meant by that“
“Come on Henry there was a young man in our house, your mother doesn't know about”
Henry was blushing
“Well what”
“Well mom”
As she pauses, his tone signified that maybe Regina knew of Henry's relationship
“She knew, didn't she”
“Yes. But only because you guys were fighting, she didn't want to upset you”
“Listen to you, whose side are you on”
“Oh no not yours”
“I deserve that”
“No, you don't”
“She knew and she didn't tell me”
“Was that what you wanted to talk about”
Henry changed the subject as he walked to the kitchen fiding a snack
“No am sorry, your mom”
“She left for good”
Emma couldn't gaze into his brown orb that reminded her of Regina
“Am sorry, I’ll get her back”
“Shes at rubies”
Her eyes met the teenager across the room taking a bite of an apple, he hated those because Regina would force them to eat healthily.
“You hate Those”
She couldn't help to point that out because they were healthy, but occasionally they would sneak in any junk food and hope that it doesn't interfere with their diet or have any consequences toward Regina because if she ever caught them with any food that wasn't cooked by her, she would scroll them like children.
“Hate is such a strong word, I would say dislike on occasion”
He took another bite savoring every bite
“  James like apples, it seems that mom was right healthy is good for you”
“You love him”
“Am happy for you”
She ran taking him into an embrace but he pulled away
“Henry I said I was sorry”
She felt guilty and she assumed that he didn't need her, she pulled away from him walking toward the stairs
“what did you think would happen,”
He echoed following her upstairs, she stopped briefly as he continued
“You didn’t hear a word I said”
“What am I supposed to say”
“That you’ll get mom back”
“I don't know...”
“She’s at rubies”
“you want me to look at rubies”
“ what don't you get”
“That I have to go to rubies at this untimely hour”
“Are you serious…”
“Yeah, she's pregnant and I don't want to die”
Henry exclaimed shortly, he was hinting that Emma pursued Regina but she was clueless
“She’s….. at….. ruby’s…..”
Henry Brought  his fingers halfway up in the air flicking them twice
“ Quotation mark for you”
“Mom’s at rugby, you can find her there”
“Why do you keep saying that”
“Shes pregnant…..”
“Yeah we know”
“Did you really?”
“She’s my best friend, she would...”
Henry interrupted
“Thank god because I couldn't lie to you any longer”
“Wait… what”
“Are we talking about ruby or Regina”
Emma really thought that they were talking about ruby but Henry was referring to Regina.
“Who are you talking about”
He replied in the middle of their conversation, as he realized that Emma had no idea of what was happening,
“Mom’s pregnant”
with the horrible look upon his face, he held on to this secrets for months now. He was a very clever teenager, while his parents were fighting, he suspected that Regina was carrying.there were different signs leading to this, why didn't Emma noticed that Regina was secretive about what to wear, she occasionally became very irritated during dinner. above all, she loved eating healthy but Henry would catch her sneaking in his favorite food and eating emmas favorite snack, There was nothing he could have done differently
“Am sorry”
Emma was struggling with this news, she didn't know if she was happy to hear that her dream of expanding her family was becoming a reality, or if she was furious at her wife for fighting with her on the matter.
“You can say it”
“she’s pregnant”
“are you happy??”
“Am happy…”
“And you’re not mad at me”
“ am angry….”
She echoed
“but yes am happy”
“Good Because she’s having twins”
Tears streamed down her face, as she realizes that soon she will be a mother. she wondered if they would have her eyes or Regina's, she wondered if they would have her blonde locks or Regina's in the morning out of control dark curls, either way, she was astounded.
“Its ok”
“No, it's not, double the trouble”
“That’s not my fault”
She could see them playing at the park, she could feel cold feet waking them in the morning or in the middle of the night when they woke up after having a bad dream. She would play silly games, take them to movies and Henry would drive them to school before going off to college, it was all clear to her, she might even get a dog like henry begged them for years ago. In the end, her heart leads her back to Regina.
She remembered everything that mattered the most, the happiness of her family, if Regina didn't forgive her, all she’d have would only be memories
“I have to find Regina”

A Player  in love with my mother's best friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now