elena is her name

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This was getting out of hand for Emma because she knew that this was getting old.
Regina was full of surprise that She's spent years fighting her, she forgot how fun it was to be spontaneous and with that, she loses track of time.
"She told me you weren't coming home" screamed Emma running into the closet trying to find something to wear
"She's been forgetful lately"
"Am still sticking with I've been set up"
In her earliest years, she would have been more careful about not being caught by her best friend's, but this was Regina, nothing mattered but her undeniable love for her.
"You haven't"
Emma quickly found a pair of Regina's jeans and decided to go with the dark slacks, she glances at her options on the shirt and grabbed the nearest blouse and completed her look by running her hands through her hair
She replied rushing out the door straight to Regina
"How long has this been going on"
"What do you mean"
She pointed to Regina as if she wasn't in the room but a mere display
" like this"
Moving her hands to Regina from head to toe
"Like this "
She repeated as if they didn't hear her
"She's pregnant, we've become close"
Ruby shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and something didn't quite made sense, Regina was never comfortable with someone the way she was at this moment unless she wanted to sleep with them. The thought crossed her mind, Maybe her theories of Regina fooling around on her was true. Maybe this was all a joke.
"Please tell me you are not screwing her and this was not payback, because I can't make a fool of myself"
They echoed
Joining her in laughter
"Wow, she really got you wrapped around her finger"
"She had something else wrapped around hers"
Replied ruby and Regina erupted in laughter
"Com' on oh"
Emma thought that Regina was coming to her rescue away from her friend's embarrassing display
"We all know that I have something else wraps around that pretty mouth"
"Jesus Regina"
Echoed belle placing her hand on her forehead
"Shit am sweating"
" yeah but look at Emma"
With Emma blushing, it was no longer safe for her to be near Regina.
"Regina was sweating her"
It was all fun and game until it became sexual between them, but Emma couldn't take their jokes any longer. She wanted to be reconciled  with her wife but at the moment, She was the source of their entertainment, the joke was on her, so she grabbed ruby forcefully by her arm
"Out now...."
She held belle hands pushing ruby out the door
"Get out"
Ruby held on the entrance defiantly but she didn't care as she pulls her out the door
"I love you Regina"
Closing it behind her, Regina blew her a kiss
"This is my house..."
Ruby finally let out
'Don't try me"
"Fine. So what you Couldn't take the joke"
"Ruby I own you"
"Well not any more"
Belle defensively came to her aid
"Oh yeah... I forgot dear daughter in law "
" it's sister in law, you idiot"
Replied belle
"Only Regina calls me that"
Echoed Emma like a fool
"hi to you too"
They bickered again and again like concern children
"You two are my worst nightmares"
"Yeah. well, this is payback for hurting Regina"
Echoed ruby
She turned to belle hoping that she still had a friend
" who's side are you on"
they both echoed
"great. The women's pregnant not dying"
Emma was outnumbered, Regina was pregnant and she had her best friend and her former lover turned against her
"Emma She's my sister"
"She's right that's no excuse, So what's your excuse"
"She's... Well"
"That's what I thought"
She smiled at ruby's lack of explanation
"Looks like These mills women got both of us wrapped around their fingers"
"Excuse me, still here"
Regina exit out of the room fully dressed
"Sorry honey"
"It's nothing. Besides, you know you're right"
"Really, sis"
Belle took offense and continued
"I've just spent fifteen minutes defending you and this is the thanks I get"
"I didn't ask you to"
"Of course not, you guys made up"
'So twins uh"
"Now for the miracle question"
She grabbed her wife's hand twirling her around
"Who's the donor"
She landed into her arm kissing her neck and pulled out quickly
"Ruby's donor"
It seems like a surprise, her life was full of surprises. It just happened that she knew the guy
" frank"
She exclaimed with an astonished glare
Replied Regina shrugging her shoulder
" we like him"
"Of course the gay guy you like"
'Hey he's family "
"Franks August best friend, of course, he wanted to be soooo gene-rous"
She exclaimed slowly
"He's in love with August "
"Yes but August's with Killian"
"You weren't around much, so he volunteered to help"
" Besides, you'll have twins"
"This is going to be harder then I expected, two kids"
"You'll be fine"
"You already had Henry, this is going to be our first"
Emma was banking around
"Two kids... How"
She walked in circles
"Omg what if am not great at it"
She passed by ruby as she continued
"What if I fucked up"
"Come down g.i.jane we've got this"
Regina held Emma hands reassuring her that she would be the best mother any child could ever ask for.
"Believe me"
Echoed ruby and belle remembering that they were about to experience motherhood the same as their best friend's
"making mistake is the best way to know that you will raise them right"
In Regina's eyes Emma was passionate, affectionate, sincere and compare to Regina who was with child and short-tempered, she knew that she would be a great mother.
"Try not to screw up so badly"
She responded, her voice breaking
"That hurt"
"Am just saying love, I was not perfect with Henry but you will be great"
"If you say so love"
"I have to carry two human in here, no pressure"
"You're going to be great"
Emma places a swift kiss on her cheeks with tears flowing down her cheeks
"I love you"
Regina was supposed to cheer Emma up but instead, Emma was there for her, making her smile, giving her hope at the thought of having children, a thought that hasn't crossed her mind since she had Henry.
She held her chin softly caressing her cheeks.
So together as months passed, they imagine the possibilities of being parents to two boys or two girls or both genders equally. Emma claimed that she would be the cool mom, coming up with a name for a girl named Elena and Leonardo for a boy.
"Leo for short" she would joke on occasion
"Like the ninja turtle" Regina snarled back at her
"I will not, thank you very much"
"How about Sam and Samantha if they are girls"
"I like the way you think"
"You do"
"Yes, because no one could tear them apart"
"That's not what I had in mind but if you like it"
" how about Elena and Elanor, nor for short"
'That's better"
They shared many intimate moments as Regina was back home, Henry was the supportive big brother preparing the nursery, scolding Emma if she ever forgot Regina's food of choice as she insisted to eat healthily.
"Leave it to a grown man to be scared to pregnant women"
She joked
"First of all, I love you but she's my mom too  if you fail to keep her happy, we fail and I do not do not fail"
He sounded so much like Regina she thought, as He was freaking out because he was dating the handsome heartthrob from school.
"Prom is coming up and you guys are due two weeks before that, I've checked "
" am at every appointment with mom until you can settle down for good or make it on time. everything has to be perfect"
he knew that Regina granted him his freedom if he stayed in school and did his best at keeping Emma together, but most times it seems that she didn't keep herself together. It was hard being seventeen acting like an adult but for his moms, he would do anything to keep them happy, he wanted to prepare to be a brother and in the process, he wanted to be a responsible young adult.
Months went by, where Emma would feel Regina's stomach whispering
"I hope you are everything like your mother"
Nine months was coming up fast and they were ready to welcome their child, they were having a boy and a girl, everything checked out perfectly until tragedy strikes
"All it took was a smile and I was hooked"
Regina sat by emmas bedside crying
"Come back to me baby "
She kissed her hand swiftly hoping that she can hear her
"Mrs mill Emma may never wake up from the accident"
Her doctor informed her
"Come back Emma and bother me"
She hooked her arm slowly as if Emma would open her eyelid screaming 'I heard you' she would prefer that Emma tease her about her temper, about her obsession of making them eat greens, she wanted to laugh, she wanted to cry, she wanted to have her back, she wanted her to wake up to meet her child but she doesn't know if they survived
"What about my babies"
She sat in her hospital robe, bruised from her face to her stomach as she placed her finger on her abdomen scar
"Am sorry Mrs mill"
When she woke up from her bed, they told her that she had two kids cuts out of her, to save her child and her life she had a c section
"Please tell me they survived"
Her voice broke speaking about her child
"Am sorry but he passed thirty minutes ago"
He shook his head and replied
"Am sorry. But he didn't make it"
She asked with hope
"She's stable"
"Thank you"
She held his hand and closed her eyes
"Maybe it's not too late"
"I'll give you a moment with her"
She was alive, Elena was alive, all that was left was for Emma to be by her sides
"Am so sorry Emma, please wake up"
She recalled that unfaithful night when she should have called ruby instead of calling Frank.
"Baby, you're drunk"
"Uhm. I love you"
Emma ran her hand smoothly along her cheek
"Isn't she so pretty"
Regina shook her head slowly, with a smile
"I love you too"
Emma was home for good now, she was finally a cop near Boston and It was the perfect time to celebrate, so they went to ruby's bar 'heavenly'the only problem was that Regina couldn't drink, so she called them a cab
"Get in"
She placed her soundly into the car and proceed to take a seat next to her
"Hey Regina"
She exclaimed surprisingly
"Sorry belle called, working late"
"What a coincidence"
"Am on the clock and I was near"
"That'll works"
"How's the baby"
"A pain in my stomach"
He laughs playfully
"Com'on in, I know the way"
"Of course you do"
She jokes as they were on their way.
ten minutes into the drive, Emma was having a conversation with Frank, all went well when Regina's water broke.
Emma was panicking, Frank was driving like a maniac in hope to get them to the nearest hospital when a car ran into an oncoming collision through traffic hitting Emma's side. The car flipped over six times over before coming to a complete stop, Emma wasn't responding strapped in her seatbelt so Regina reached out for her helping her but couldn't free her. She had no words, she was crying and decided to free herself, she reached for her door just in time watching the car engulfed in flame, she collapsed as the sirens approached them.

A Player  in love with my mother's best friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now