Chapter 13: Flight Risk

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"They want death," Francesco mumbled while holding Serenity. He thought she was sleep but she wasn't she didn't like when he was this way at night. It had been a couple of months since Jules had told them everything. Francesco hasn't been the same since he was hunting for this man. Everyday he would go to work on a mission of course he handled other things but protecting Serenity was his top priority. "Mine, All Mine, and they want to take it away."

"Francesco, I'm ok there is no need to keep mumbling." Serenity said turning over to face him. He kissed her and looked in her eye. Then she thought about what Ricci told her after Francesco finally allowed her outside the house.

"He is feeling more emotions now when it comes to you. He is going to be overprotective, over barring, over-reactive. He is going to be this way until this threat is over with or dead. Most likely dead and now that you know everything you might see the worst side of him. Let me know if I can do anything for you. You know you are like my sister and I feel just the same as he does." Ricci had told her and hugged her.

Now she was sitting here looking at a man losing his mind every minute.

"Serenity, my beautiful," Francesco said running his hands up and down her arm. "I have anxiety because the thought of losing you would kill me. It was just a couple months ago when I just got you and I can't help it."

"You need sleep Francesco," Serenity said and laid on her back while looking up at he ceiling. "I know I'm scared too but I won't let that news control me and steal my joy. Now get comfortable and go to sleep before I knock you out."

Truth is she was terrified too. Even though when she would go out she had one security guard with her and twenty hidden around her she felt on edge. Like someone always had a clear shot on her. Like the food she had in restaurants was poisoned, she had a way of knowing though if it was poisoned or not. A scientist that Francesco hired a long time ago made a liquid that if you drop it on food or in a drink it would turn red if poisoned. Any kind of poison too and if it was clear it was safe.

It's like she didn't even like being outside like she used to and had some nightmares too.

Francesco got in between her legs and laid on her chest and held her. She ran her figures through his head to calm him and she felt his muscles relax.

"I'm afraid," Francesco said.

"I know."

The next day Serenity felt something wrong in her gut and she knew something bad had happened. Francesco was still on top of her and his face was buried in her neck. Her eyes began to focus. Then her phone rung and it was Jocelyn. She picked it up instantly knowing that Jocelyn is never up this early unless she had to work at Zaxby's which she doesn't anymore.

"Hello?" Serenity answered.

"ZAXBY'S IT'S AWFUL SERENITY!" Jocelyn yelled over the phone. "EVERYONE IS GONE!"

Then Serenity heard an explosion in the background and the phone call went dead.

"Jocelyn?! JOCELYN?!" Serenity started to freak out. Francesco felt her stir around a bit and then felt her try and push him off. Yet, he just held tighter and tighter and looked up at her.

"Tell me what's wrong," Francesco asked. "You don't need to leave here."

"I do. It's Jocelyn. She needs me." Serenity was in tears and her hands were trembling.

"I'll call Ricci," Francesco said sprinting to action. Jocelyn had become some sort of a sister to him. She was helping him learn Serenity and learning how to love Serenity properly. The last girl that Ricci lost had broken him. He had turned heartless and cold but one day he had come into the office happy and calm. That must have been the day he met Serenity or Jocelyn.

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