Chapter 1

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Celeste's POV

"So glad it's finally summer!" I say to Dani my bestfriend since like forever.

"Highschools over!"she replys as I grab all of my stuff out of my locker including my black and purple wheeled penny board.

"Are you ready to leave this place?"I ask as she is still collecting her stuff and nods.

I race Dani to my house and I win of course until I run over a massive rock with my board and fall to my knees ripping my new jeans I just bought now having to trash.

I tell Dani im going to get changed and then quickly run inside. I looked threw my closet and decide to throw on a black and white striped tank top my shorts and a black pair of vans.

Dani's POV

While I wait for Celeste to come back out into the living room I play on my phone and check Twitter. I've favorited all of the o2l guys pages so whenever they tweet their tweet buzzes my phone to let me know.

As I looked through some old tweets from all of the o2l guys Ricky just tweets that whoever retweets and favorites his last 20 tweets first he will give out 2 L.A. plane tickets and there address to come meet all the guys.


Celeste's POV

"What? What?" I ask

"We're going to L.A." Dani says

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