Chapter 4

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Dani's POV

*4 in the morning*

-Hi omg im so excited! are you up?

-Hi ummmm... ya me too. i'm so tired but excited meet ya at the airport bye.

-ok byeeeeeeee

I put my jean shorts and white tank that says dreams also a pair of white keds on and drive over to the airport and meet Celeste in front of the Starbucks.

Celeste's POV

I see Dani walking towards me pulling her ocean blue suitcase.

She asks "Do you want Starbucks? "

"Ummmmmmm... YES!!!" I yell sarcastically.

I order a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with a shot of expresso and Dani gets a double Chocolatey Chip Frappuccino but I need coffee to stay awake.

After that we went on the plane to L.A. and I fell asleep and so did Dani.

*skip plane trip*

When we got off it was 2pm and I was wide awake ready to go to the beach with the o2l guys.

Dani got us a taxi and we went to our hotel and I changed into my black shorts and white crop top that says follow your dreams also some black vans. Dani just changed her shirt to a white t-shirt and a black and blue striped flannel wrapped around her waist.

Luckily Ricky gave us his number so we texted him to tell him we were in L.A.

-Dinner and the beach with the o2l guys at 5?

- Sure see ya soon

-ok bye

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