Riddle #90

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Hey everyone! It's me Nicolette :)

It's been a while since I've updated, and I just wanted to say that it's already been a year since I started this book and now it has 800,000+ reads! It's completely unbelievable for me and I just wanted to thank you all SO MUCH for the support! :)

Also, I've decided to update less often because this book is quite close to reaching the maximum about of chapters a book can have on wattpad, which is HORRIBLE. But, I'll try to make sure this book doesn't end soon since I know that so many of you enjoy it ;)

ANSWER : the king had given everyone seeds that could not grow, so the little girl was chosen to be queen since she was the only person who was honest. She did not buy a

beautiful plant and pretend that she had grown it as the other children did.

WINNER : @JoyceTheBookworm!

TODAY'S RIDDLE (Recommended to me by @CampBookLover!) :

What looses a head in the morning and gains one again at night?

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