Chapter 2- Apologies and joining school clubs

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Listen to Apology by Indiana Massara ft. 24HRS for this chapter

After my encounter with Travis this morning, my day was surprisedly good. Its school though what can you expect? Especially high school. 

Although Travis shoving me made me space out all morning. In French class, I was supposed to be writing but instead, when I looked down I see Travis's name and hearts. 

I love fashion and sometimes draw outfits whenever I can. my notebooks are filled with mostly drawings then notes for my classes. 

I consider myself a decent student. 

Willow Summers doesn't doodle. I chide myself and turn to a fresh page in my notebook.

In a few minutes I look down and I see MORE DOODLES.

I turn to a new page and hold my pencil tightly. I manage to take notes but don't get my homework done. Freaking Travis and his icy blue eyes got me distracted. 

I head to lunch but feel terrible about yelling at Lou, thankfully she doesn't hold grudges. 

"Lou I'm sorry I yelled at you," I say half expecting her to yell at me like that one time she got mad at Brad for throwing her in the pool at the 4th of July party. Except with that event she ended up falling for him. 

"Its ok Willow, I just think that you should give Travis a chance," she says sheepishly. 

I don't say anything but I'm glad she's not mad at me. 

Kate's quietly eating her sushi staring at something across the room and trying to read a book at the same time. Triple tasker?

"Are you guys going to join any clubs or do sports?" Lou questions since she's doing cheerleading again this year. 

Lou always encourages us to be social but frankly, sometimes being social isn't something I'm interested in.

"I'm not sure yet," I reply. 

"I kind of want to join the Harry Potter club," Kate answers. I smile Kate truly loves and  I'll admit, Hermione Granger is pretty cool. 

"Go for it girl!" Lou happily encourages all while throwing her hands up in the air. 

Brad takes the opportunity to swoop over and kiss her cheek. Kate and I laugh looking at the surprised look on Louisa's face. 

The bell rings the cafeteria turns into a chaotic frenzy everyone rushing off to class. I get up saving my bag for the second time today. I give my friends a quick wave before dashing off to 5th period and on the way there, a brown-haired girl thrusts a flyer in my hand. 

I look at it during English and see that its a flyer for the photography club.

During summer I really liked to take pictures and not with my phone. That iPhone quality though I am right?

Something about photography always had my attention, the idea of capturing a single moment forever is something that can not be replaced. Memories are special but a picture can do so much more. 

Our imagination can only reach a certain point and when it does we need a little help trying to figure the rest out. 

I bought myself a real camera, the Canon- EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR Camera with 24-7mm f/4L IS USM Lens in black. That thing is my baby. I had to save up for a while meaning not having extra money for shopping splurges and such. But, it was worth it. 

I ended up buying it along with a cute case and extra lens. There's no going back now, I carry it almost everywhere with me. 

I take into consideration this club and I have a mini conversation to myself Willow this is your chance to do something you like. Kate and Lou have their "thing" you can have one too. Something you actually like!  As I grab my stuff at the end of the day from my locker I text Kate and Lou with my idea. 

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