Mine Again

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(Bryan's POV)

Mariah and I was talking about our relationship. Mariah yelled, "It's okay that we have a relationship together babe!!" "Babe are you sure?" ,I asked. She replied, "Yess!" "Ok." ,I said. I kissed her gently and passionately. I moved my hands to her thighs. As things was getting heated ,she stopped me. Man,was I horny. I was just horny. I kissed her again and laid her down. I was trying to go down on her,but she stopped me again. She never made me feel this way. I wish she would let me do what I got to do. Maybe after the concert,she would let me hit.

(Mariah's POV)

I knew what he was trying to do,even if I was horny. I was trying not to moan so he would not get all worked up. I succeeded not to moan,but it was hard to. I got up,and I went to my stylist and told her to pick out my outfit. She said, "Yes." I smiled and went to my bathroom. As I was walking to my bathroom,Bryan was just looking at me I even caught him licking his lips at me. I just laughed, I couldn't hold it in. I went in the bathroom. I took my shirt off, my pants off, my bra off, then my panties. I turned on my shower. It was fully hot,then I got in. I started bathing myself, until I heard something.

(Bryan's POV)

I'm so horny,that I snuck into her bathroom,while she was taking her shower. I took my shirt off, my pants off, then my boxers. I got in behind her. I really wondered how she didn't hear me come in from behind her. I kneeled down,and I had spread her cheeks. "What the!" ,She said surprisingly. I ate her out from the back. She was moaning like crazy. I never knew she was this wet. I picked her up and put her against the shower wall. I started to jackhammer the hell out her. She was moaning, "I gOt-t-t t-tooooooouhhh gE-E-et READY-Y-DY P-LEa-SuhE BA-B-BE" "OK!!!" ,I said angrily. I got up and got of the shower and got my concert outfit on that I had to wear. I was just getting started, I'm going to finish her when we are done with the concert.

(Mariah's POV)

I can't believe that happened. That have never happened to me before. It was in the shower. I was about to get fucked in the shower. As I got out the shower,I put my outfit on. I was so surprised by what had happened in the shower. I was walking in my bedroom,and Bryan was just looking at me. He looked like he was sexually undressing me with his eyes. I walked into the living room,and everybody was ready. We were all heading to the concert in Las Vegas. We got set up,and everybody was yelling. We started the first song with "We Belong Together."

It ended with "My All."

After we were done,ever body went to there home. Bryan and I went to my home. As Bryan and I made it home,he locked the front door. We were all alone at my home. Bryan and I made to my bedroom,he locked my bedroom door behind us. I knew what he was ready to do. He grabbed my arm,and pushed me on the bed. He laid down on me and kissed me. He kept touching my thighs. I was moaning because he was driving me crazy. He pulled off my clothes one by one. He first took off her dress,my shoes,then my stockings. He kneeled down and kissed up and down my thighs. I moaned his name softly. He took off my panties and bra. He ate me out like I was a whole delicious meal. I moaned, " UH MHMMmmmmm YESSSS DA-D-D-Y!!" "I W-W-WANT YOU I-I-IN M-ME YESSSS!!!" ,I moaned loudly. He said, "Ok baby anything you want." He had me moaning with my eyes in the back of my head. I was gripping the sheets. He was going in and out of me fast. My mouth was opened with my eyes in the back of my head. "Go D-DeEP-P-ER!!" ,I moaned loudly. I was already about to cum,but I knew I had to return the favor. I came so much, I closed my eyes and let go. I got down on my knees and sucked his dick like I never did before. I kissed the tip and he kept moaning. "YES SUCK IT LIKE THAT BABY!!" I could tell he was close. He was pushing my head further. When I gagged, that's when he came. We got cleaned up and we cuddled up together naked. We fell asleep watching tv. That was the best night ever!!

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